French Baguette Gets UNESCO Recognition
The international experts gathered in Morocco to discuss the French bread and other subjects, including a traditional Japanese dance and the drink called rum from Cuba.
The baguette is a long, narrow tube-shaped bread. It is made of simple ingredients: water, flour, yeast and salt. It dates back a few hundred years in its early form. But, the baguette grew wildly popular during the 1920s and became a staple in French kitchens.
长棍面包是一种细长的管状面包。它由简单的成分制成:水、面粉、酵母和盐。它的早期形式可以追溯到几百年前。但是,长棍面包在 1920 年代广受欢迎,并成为法国厨房的主食。
However, France's cultural agency has warned that the country's bread making tradition is failing. About 400 bakeries have closed every year since 1972, the agency reported.
然而,法国文化机构警告说,该国的面包制作传统正在走向失败。据该机构报道,自 1972 年以来,每年约有 400 家面包店关闭。
At the start of 2022, French bakers and farmers criticized Leclerc, a large food store group, for making low-cost, low quality bread.
2022 年初,法国面包师和农民批评大型食品商店集团 Leclerc 生产的面包成本低、质量差.
They said the store's bread, which cost just 30 cents, was not as good as the bread from traditional bakeries where it costs about a dollar.
Marine Fourchier lives in Paris. She said it is easy now to get a bad baguette in the city.
Marine Fourchier 住在巴黎。她说现在在城里很容易买到劣质法棍面包。
"It's the traditional baguette from the traditional bakery that's in danger. It's about quality not quantity," she said.
Audrey Azoulay leads UNESCO and formerly served as France's culture minister. She said buying and eating baguettes is a "daily ritual" in France. Ten billion are sold in the country each year.
奥黛丽·阿祖莱领导联合国教科文组织,曾任法国文化部长。她说买法棍吃法棍在法国是一种“日常仪式”。该国每年销售 100 亿美元。
"It is important that such craft knowledge and social practices can continue to exist in the future," she continued.
The French government will start a yearly baguette event, called "Open Bakehouse Day" to expand public understanding of the bread making tradition.
Asma Farhat is a baker at Julien's Bakery near the Champs-Elysee in Paris. She said "you can't have a proper meal" without a baguette.
Asma Farhat 是巴黎香榭丽舍大街附近 Julien's Bakery 的一名面包师。她说,如果没有法式长棍面包,“你就不能吃一顿像样的饭菜”。
In addition to the rum, the Japanese dance and the bread, UNESCO honored many more traditions in places including Hungary, Greece, Guatemala and South Korea.