自 2022 年 ChatGPT 推出以来,各公司一直在竞相将生成式 AI 技术部署到他们的工作中。
According to Microsoft and LinkedIn's 2024 Work Trends report, which surveyed 31,000 full-time workers between February and March, close to four in five business leaders believe their company needs to adopt the technology to stay competitive.
根据微软和 LinkedIn 的 2024 年工作趋势报告,该报告在 2 月至 3 月间对 31,000 名全职员工进行了调查,近五分之四的企业领导人认为他们的公司需要采用该技术来保持竞争力。
But adopting AI in the workplace also presents risks, including reputational, financial, and legal harm. The challenge of combating them is that they're ambiguous, and many companies are still trying to understand how to identify and measure them.
但在工作场所采用人工智能也会带来风险,包括声誉、财务和法律损害。 对抗它们的挑战在于它们是模糊的,许多公司仍在试图了解如何识别和衡量它们。
AI programs run responsibly should include strategies for governance, data privacy, ethics, and trust and safety, but experts who study risk say the programs haven't kept up with innovation.
Efforts to use AI responsibly in the workplace are moving "nowhere near as fast as they should be," Tad Roselund, a managing director and senior partner at Boston Consulting Group. These programs often require a considerable amount of investment and a minimum of two years to implement, according to BCG.
波士顿咨询集团董事总经理兼高级合伙人泰德·罗塞伦德 (Tad Roselund) 表示,在工作场所负责任地使用人工智能的努力“远未达到应有的速度”。 BCG 表示,这些计划通常需要大量投资,并且需要至少两年的时间来实施。
Investors need to play a more critical role in funding the tools and resources for these programs, according to Navrina Singh, the founder of Credo AI, a governance platform that helps companies comply with AI regulations. Funding for generative AI startups hit $25.2 billion in 2023, according to a report from Stanford's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, but it's unclear how much went to companies that focus on responsible AI.
Credo AI 的创始人 Navrina Singh 表示,投资者需要在为这些项目的工具和资源提供资金方面发挥更关键的作用。Credo AI 是一个帮助公司遵守人工智能法规的治理平台。 根据斯坦福大学以人为中心的人工智能研究所的一份报告,到 2023 年,生成型人工智能初创公司的资金将达到 252 亿美元,但目前尚不清楚有多少资金流向了专注于负责任人工智能的公司。
"The venture capital environment also reflects a disproportionate focus on AI innovation over AI governance," Singh told Business Insider by email. "To adopt AI at scale and speed responsibly, equal emphasis must be placed on ethical frameworks, infrastructure, and tooling to ensure sustainable and responsible AI integration across all sectors."
辛格通过电子邮件对《商业内幕》表示:“风险投资环境还反映出,人们对人工智能创新的关注超过了对人工智能治理的关注。” “为了负责任地大规模、快速地采用人工智能,必须同等重视道德框架、基础设施和工具,以确保所有部门的可持续和负责任的人工智能整合。”
Legislative efforts have been underway to fill that gap. In March, the EU approved the Artificial Intelligence Act, which assigns the risks of AI applications into three categories and bans those with unacceptable risks. Meanwhile, the Biden Administration signed a sweeping executive order in October demanding greater transparency from major tech companies developing artificial intelligence models.
旨在填补这一空白的立法工作正在进行中。 今年3月,欧盟批准了《人工智能法案》,将人工智能应用的风险分为三类,并禁止风险不可接受的应用。 与此同时,拜登政府于 10 月签署了一项全面的行政命令,要求开发人工智能模型的主要科技公司提高透明度。