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    Google on Tuesday rolled out a retooled search engine that will frequently favor responses crafted by artificial intelligence over website links, a shift promising to quicken the quest for information while also potentially disrupting the flow of money-making internet traffic.

    The makeover announced at Google's annual developers conference will begin this week in the U.S. when hundreds of millions of people will start to periodically see conversational summaries generated by the company's AI technology at the top of the search engine's results page.

    The AI overviews are supposed to only crop up when Google's technology determines they will be the quickest and most effective way to satisfy a user's curiosity—a solution mostly likely to happen with complex subjects or when people are brainstorming, or planning. People will likely still see Google's traditional website links and ads for simple searches for things like a store recommendation or weather forecasts.
    人工智能概述应该只有在谷歌的技术确定它们将是满足用户好奇心的最快、最有效的方式时才会出现——这种解决方案最有可能发生在复杂的主题上或当人们集思广益或计划时。 人们可能仍然会看到谷歌的传统网站链接和广告,用于简单搜索商店推荐或天气预报等内容。

    Google began testing AI overviews with a small subset of selected users a year ago, but the company is now making it one of the staples in its search results in the U.S. before introducing the feature in other parts of the world. By the end of the year, Google expects the recurring AI overviews to be part of its search results for about 1 billion people.
    谷歌一年前开始对一小部分选定用户测试人工智能概述,但该公司现在将其作为美国搜索结果的主要内容之一,然后再在世界其他地区推出该功能。 谷歌预计,到今年年底,重复出现的人工智能概述将成为约 10 亿人搜索结果的一部分。

    Besides infusing more AI into its dominant search engine, Google also used the packed conference held at a Mountain View, California, amphitheater near its headquarters to showcase advances in a technology that is reshaping business and society.

    The next AI steps included more sophisticated analysis powered by Gemini—a technology unveiled five months ago—and smarter assistants, or "agents," including a still-nascent version dubbed "Astra" that will be able to understand, explain and remember things it is shown through a smartphone's camera lens. Google underscored its commitment to AI by bringing in Demis Hassabis, the executive who oversees the technology, to appear on stage at its marquee conference for the first time.
    接下来的人工智能步骤包括由 Gemini(一项五个月前推出的技术)支持的更复杂的分析,以及更智能的助手或“代理”,其中包括一个名为“Astra”的新兴版本,它将能够理解、解释和记住它所识别的事物。 通过智能手机的相机镜头显示。 谷歌邀请负责技术监管的高管杰米斯·哈萨比斯 (Demis Hassabis) 首次出现在其大型会议的舞台上,以此强调其对人工智能的承诺。

    The injection of more AI into Google's search engine marks one of the most dramatic changes that the company has made in its foundation since its inception in the late 1990s. It's a move that opens the door for more growth and innovation but also threatens to trigger a sea change in web surfing habits.
    将更多人工智能注入谷歌的搜索引擎标志着该公司自 20 世纪 90 年代末成立以来在其基础上所做的最巨大的变化之一。 这一举措为更多增长和创新打开了大门,但也有可能引发网络冲浪习惯的巨大变化。

    "This bold and responsible approach is fundamental to delivering on our mission and making AI more helpful for everyone," Google CEO Sundar Pichai told a group of reporters.
    谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊 (Sundar Pichai) 对一群记者表示:“这种大胆而负责任的做法对于实现我们的使命并使人工智能对每个人都更有帮助至关重要。”

    Well aware of how much attention is centered on the technology, Pichai ended a nearly two-hour succession of presentations by asking Google's Gemini model how many times AI had been mentioned. The count: 120, and then the tally edged up by one more when Pichai said, "AI," yet again.
    皮查伊很清楚这项技术受到了多少关注,他在近两个小时的连续演讲结束时询问了谷歌的 Gemini 模型提到了人工智能多少次。 计数:120,当皮查伊再次说出“AI”时,计数又增加了 1。

    The increased AI emphasis will bring new risks to an internet ecosystem that depends heavily on digital advertising as its financial lifeblood.

    The increased AI emphasis will bring new risks to an internet ecosystem that depends heavily on digital advertising as its financial lifeblood. Google stands to suffer if the AI overviews undercuts ads tied to its search engine—a business that reeled in $175 billion in revenue last year alone. And website publishers—ranging from major media outlets to entrepreneurs and startups that focus on more narrow subjects—will be hurt if the AI overviews are so informative that they result in fewer clicks on the website links that will still appear lower on the results page. Based on habits that emerged during the past year's testing phase of Google's AI overviews, about 25% of the traffic could be negatively affected by the de-emphasis on website links, said Marc McCollum, chief innovation officer at Raptive, which helps about 5,000 website
    1,144 / 5,000



    Google stands to suffer if the AI overviews undercuts ads tied to its search engine—a business that reeled in $175 billion in revenue last year alone. And website publishers—ranging from major media outlets to entrepreneurs and startups that focus on more narrow subjects—will be hurt if the AI overviews are so informative that they result in fewer clicks on the website links that will still appear lower on the results page.
    如果人工智能概述削弱了与其搜索引擎相关的广告,那么谷歌将遭受损失——该业务仅去年一年的收入就达到了 1750 亿美元。 如果人工智能概述的信息量太大,导致网站链接的点击次数减少,而网站链接的点击量仍然显示在结果页面的较低位置,那么网站出版商(从主要媒体到专注于更狭窄主题的企业家和初创公司)将受到伤害。
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