Today we will talk about how to describe something that shows promise of being great, but then turns out to be not so great. We can call this a flash in the pan.
First, let's look at the words in this expression. A flash is a sudden burst of light or fire, here one second and gone the next.
Sometimes we use the expression "flash in the pan" for things that seem to be going well, there is hope, but then in the blink of an eye, things turn bad. In other words, things go from good to bad very quickly.
An artist or entertainer could be described as a flash in the pan if their success happens quickly but does not last long.
If a singer is a flash in the pan, we could also call him or her a "one hit wonder." This expression describes an artist who has only one popular or hit song and then disappears from the spotlight.
Here is another example of how to use "flash in the pan": "I thought that my new boss was going to be here for a long time, but she was just a flash in the pan. Here today, gone tomorrow."