对于有些小伙伴来说,越是努力背单词背语法,英语成绩越是难看,倒不如去多读多看些自己喜欢的文章,在文章中培养语感和理解力,下面是小编整理的关于英语世界文摘:How Andrew Carnegie Turned His Fortune into a Library Legacy的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
How Andrew Carnegie Turned His Fortune into a Library Legacy
BySusan Stamberg
Andrew Carnegie was once the richest man in the world. Coming as a dirt poor[1] kid from Scotland to the U.S., by the 1880s he’d built an empire in steel–and then gave it all away: $60 million to fund a system of 1,689 public libraries across the country.
[1] dirt poor〈俚〉极贫困的。
Carnegie donated $300,000 to build Washington, D.C.’s oldest library–a beautiful beaux arts building[2] that dates back to[3] 1903. Inscribed above the doorway are the words: Science, Poetry, History. The building was “dedicated to the diffusion[4] of knowledge.”
[2] 学院派建筑。Beaux Arts一词源自法语,意指艺术作品,如今用之命名一种艺术风格:学院派艺术(又称布杂艺术)。该风格源自巴黎高等艺术学院(École des Beaux-Arts)在课堂上教授学生的理念,1885至1920年期间发展并繁荣。塔形建筑群、装饰性壁柱、栏杆、带窗的阳台等都是学院派建筑的特色所在。纽约市公共图书馆(New York Public Library)、纽约中央车站(New York’s Grand Central Terminal)以及波士顿公共图书馆(Boston Public Library)等,都是典型的学院派建筑。此处所说的图书馆指华盛顿特区的卡内基图书馆,据2016年12月的新闻报道,苹果公司准备租赁该楼,建成一个苹果零售店。
[3] date back to追溯至。
It opened in 1903 to women, children, all races—African-Americans remember when it was the only place downtown where they could use the bathrooms. During the Depression[5], D.C.’s Carnegie Library was called “the intellectual breadline[6].” No one had any money, so you went there to feed your brain. Washington writer Paul Dickson, author of The Library in America, says the marble palace was an early and imposing Capitol[7] institution.
“This went in well[8] before the monumental limestone and marble buildings of Pennsylvania Avenue, Constitution Avenue[9]. This was one of the first really beautiful public buildings,” he says.
[5] 又称the Great Depression经济大萧条,1929年始于美国股市崩溃,随后席卷全球,一直持续到30年代晚期,是20世纪持续时间最长、影响最为广泛深远的一次经济大萧条。
[6] breadline指排队等待领取救济食品的队伍。on the breadline形容极度贫困的状态。
[7] Capitol= Capitol Hill国会山。它是华盛顿特区的一座山丘,因其山顶有美国国会大厦而常被当作美国国会的别名。卡内基图书馆位于国会山地区,具体位于弗农山(Mt. Vernon)广场附近,与华盛顿会议中心(Walter E. Washington Convention Center)隔广场相望。
[8] well此处是副词,用于介词短语前表示强调,意为“大大地,远远地”。
[9] 宾夕法尼亚街和宪法街是国会山地区的两条街道,有一些重要的历史建筑,如宾夕法尼亚街上的白宫、福特中心等,宪法街的史密斯博物馆、美国国家艺术博物馆等。
Carnegie libraries are still the best buildings in many towns. Over the years some have been expanded or torn down. And, in addition to books and computers, Carnegie libraries find new ways to serve the community.
The public library in Woodbine, Iowa, loans cake pans – people don’t keep all sizes and shapes of cake pans at home, “so they check ’em out and bake their cakes and bring ’em back,” explains Woodbine library director Rita Bantam. “[It’s] offering a service that people need. It brings people into the library.”
Andrew Carnegie gave $7,500 to Woodbine. That paid for the building itself. The towns had to raise money for books, salaries and maintenance. Before Carnegie, Bantam says, the library was located in an unusual section of Woodbine’s town hall: “It was over the jail,” she explains, “they had to close the library when the jail was occupied.”
From jail to cakepans, public libraries are embedded[10] in their communities. In South Carolina, the Union County Carnegie Library–named best small library in America a few years back–invites Ronald McDonald[11] over to lure kids into summer reading programs. Director Ben Loftis says there were subscription[12] libraries in South Carolina before 1903 when his was built–with a $10,000 Carnegie grant–but this was the first public library.
“It went from being for just the wealthy elite landowners and planters to actually being a service for the entire county that everybody has access to,” he says.
[10] embed使插入。
[11] 麦当劳叔叔是身穿黄色小丑衣的一个人物形象,是麦当劳快餐连锁店的招牌吉祥物和企业形象代言人,罗纳德·麦当劳是其官方名称。
[12] subscription(俱乐部的)会员费。
Was he the Bill Gates of his day? “I think Bill Gates would very much like to be known as the Carnegie of his day,” says Nasaw.
In 1889 Carnegie wrote an article called “The Gospel of Wealth,” in which he spelled out his views on philanthropy: “In bestowing charity the main consideration should be to help those who help themselves.”
The rich should give, so the poor could improve their own lives–and thus the lives of the society. Giving was a code of honor. “The man who dies rich dies in disgrace,” Carnegie said.