Media Titans Murdoch and Bloomberg at Play in Politics and News
When Mitt Romney announced on Friday that he would not seek the Republican presidential nomination for a third time, he cited the desire to “give other leaders in the party” a chance to win the White House. He did not mention the public mugging he had received from Rupert Murdoch, the media titan who had called him “a terrible candidate” and whose Wall Street Journal had suggested that his run in 2012 had been “a calamity.”
米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)上周五宣布,他不会第三次角逐共和党总统候选人提名,他表示想把赢得总统宝座的机会留给“党内其他领导人”。他没有提到传媒大亨鲁伯特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)公开羞辱自己,称他是“糟糕的候选人”。默多克的《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)曾形容他2012年的竞选是场“灾难”。
There are a lot of reasons that the third time did not prove to be a charm for Mr. Romney’s presidential ambitions, but Mr. Murdoch’s public rebuke sure didn’t help.
Having tried and failed to get his hands on Time Warner, Mr. Murdoch is back to king-making. As the man who controls both the Fox News Channel and The Journal, he doesn’t exactly have to attend a precinct caucus to exercise political influence.
默多克染指时代华纳(Time Warner)的努力失败后,又回到了顶级政治推手的角色。作为Fox新闻频道(Fox News Channel)和《华尔街日报》的控制者,他无需参加哪个选区的党团会议,就可以发挥政治影响力。
He’s clearly enjoying life as a mogul and newspaper titan, enough to invite others to the party.
Rupert Murdoch: Is there a price for lifetime happiness for generous but bored, public spirited multibillionaire? Mike Bloomberg can easily afford NY Times
鲁伯特·默多克1月24日在Twitter上发言称:“对于一掷千金但却百无聊赖、热衷公共事务的亿万富翁而言,想买一辈子的快乐要花多少钱?迈克·布隆伯格(Mike Bloomberg)可以轻松买下《纽约时报》。”
(New York magazine had earlier reported, based on not very much, that Mr. Bloomberg might try to buy the newspaper.)
(《纽约》[New York]杂志早前曾报道,布隆伯格可能想购买《纽约时报》,但那篇报道没有太多依据。)
Only two people in the world could have this conversation, whether in public or private: Both are New York media owners, both with more money than many sovereign republics and both huge fans of the news and the organizations that trade in it.
Rupert Murdoch has a big national newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, and though Michael Bloomberg does not, they are otherwise similarly situated overlords. And so Mr. Murdoch’s entreaty to his friend Mr. Bloomberg: C’mon in, the water is fine.
I don’t think The New York Times is for sale, but it is a telling sentiment, a conversation among kings about what possessions are truly precious to the man, or men, with everything.
Even if The Times were for sale, how would it benefit Mr. Murdoch to have a rival paper in the hands of an equally moneyed media baron? It wouldn’t, but it is in Mr. Murdoch’s nature to stir the pot and create mischief.
He’s mostly just having his version of fun, all the while tweaking a competitor, which is another hobby.
Mr. Bloomberg had his own version of fun running the City of New York for three terms. Now that he is on the other side of that, he did not take long to realize that he was not going to sit in the back seat of the huge data and media company he built while others drove.
I don’t know Mr. Bloomberg or Mr. Murdoch personally, but I have covered them enough to know that they share a few hobbies. They both enjoy gossip, are inveterate news hounds and love to involve themselves in all aspects of the production of the news. They also like to wield broad influence on how that news unfolds.
True, Mr. Bloomberg was educated as an engineer and is the ultimate rationalist whereas Mr. Murdoch came up in the bare-knuckled world of tabloids and relies on his gut. But neither seems particularly interested in money in the way that only the fabulously rich can be uninterested in money, and they both love winning.
Beyond business and politics — which are, after all, about winning — neither appears animated by much else.
As business reporters, we tend to overanalyze the titans among us, because, well, they aren’t like us.
Watching Mr. Murdoch, who controls and owns big chunks of a movie studio, a cable news channel and newspaper and television properties all over the world, and Mr. Bloomberg, who owns a worldwide terminal and data business, along with various media assets, it’s easy to guess that the empire-building is all part of one, huge unified plan.
But in some respects, they remind me of other newspaper owners in various sized towns that I have covered — men with an immense appetite for power who want nothing so much as to be in the middle of things. Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Murdoch just have many more zeros behind their net worth, and global empires to match.
To project might, few things are as effective as owning big, throbbing media properties. Since returning to his company, Mr. Bloomberg, 72, has dedicated a large amount of money to remaking his media operations, including a reorganized website unveiled last week. By all reports, he has spent time tinkering with even the most minute aspects of the redesign, despite that being a tiny part of his company.
Mr. Murdoch vastly overpaid for The Journal, and continues to support the money-losing New York Post. When News Corporation split two years ago, he protected his beloved newspaper assets in a well-funded new company. He is, by all accounts, highly involved with his papers and finds no detail too small to merit his interests.
默多克对《华尔街日报》的收购买贵了很多,而且他还在继续支持赔钱的《纽约邮报》(New York Post)。两年前新闻集团分拆时,他用一家资金雄厚的新公司来保护自己心爱的报业资产。大家都说,他对旗下的报纸有非常高的参与度,事无巨细都有兴趣过问。
These are extremely successful businessmen who spend many hours on noneconomic parts of their businesses. They do so for two reasons: because they can, and because it is fun.
Even those of us who aren’t billionaires could tell you as much — creating media content is a diverting activity that rarely resembles actual work.
At 83, Mr. Murdoch has seen a few presidential elections come and go, and, through Fox News and The Journal, has had a hand in influencing most of them. But that won’t be true forever, which may explain his antipathy at the prospect of Mr. Romney’s taking another shot at the White House. (And it’s not just the Republicans: On Sunday, he tweeted: “Guess what! Joe Biden actively preparing to run against Hillary. Maybe others like Kerry.”) An Australian by birth who became an American citizen, he recently said in an email to my colleagues Amy Chozick and Michael Barbaro that he made no apologies for his interest in United States politics.
现已83岁的默多克已经见证过多次总统竞选,并通过Fox新闻和《华尔街日报》对大多数的选举施加过影响。但是,情况不会永远如此,这也许可以解释他为什么反感罗姆尼再次参选。(而且也不只是针对共和党:上周日,他在Twitter上写道:“你猜怎么着?乔·拜登[Joe Biden]积极准备和希拉里竞争。或许其他人喜欢克里。”)默多克出生于澳大利亚,后来成为美国公民。最近在一封电子邮件中,他对我的同事艾米·柯西克 (Amy Chozick)和迈克尔·巴巴罗(Michael Barbaro)说,他不觉得自己对美国政治感兴趣有什么不妥。
“I am deeply interested in the future of our country, and I enjoy meeting with potential candidates of both parties,” he wrote to them, responding to an inquiry about his political activity. “I am keen to hear their views, whether it’s on tax reform, immigration or defense and foreign policy.”
And they will be pretty keen to hear his. Other presidential hopefuls will be stopping by to see Mr. Bloomberg, who is seen as a centrist and is among those perennially mentioned as a possible candidate.
Executives at Bloomberg say that all of the investments in media are about driving traffic to the terminal business, but I don’t buy it. The company did not hire Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, longtime political reporters, at a reported cost of $1 million each to operate in the confines of some financial terminal. It is a classic influence play, a way to gain stature and currency.
彭博的高管说,所有的媒体投资都是为了提升终端业务上的流量,但我不相信这个说法。该公司聘请资深政治记者马克·霍尔珀林(Mark Halperin)和约翰·海尔曼(John Heilemann),绝不是为了报道一些只在金融终端上展示的内容。据报道彭博给他们每人开出的年薪是100万美元。这是一种运用影响力的经典方式,一种获得地位和认可的方式。