Weeks of stalemate between the government andWestern-leaning protesters in Ukraine were shattered Tuesday by an outburst of violencethat killed at least nine people. Authorities responded by storming encampments held byactivists in the center of the capital for the past two months.
The number of dead and wounded--the worst one-day casualty toll on the streets of Ukrainesince its independence from the Soviet Union--will make it harder for either side to pull backfrom the political confrontation that is threatening to split the country.
Opposition officials said seven protesters were killed, some from gunshot wounds. Authoritiessaid two police officers were killed from gunshot wounds, apparently in fighting early in the daywith protesters, who had hurled stones and Molotov cocktails.
The fighting began when the protesters, angry that President Viktor Yanukovych wasn't movingforward with constitutional changes to surrender some powers to the prime minister, triedto march on parliament.
这场冲突的起因是抗议者们不满总统亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)在修改宪法上寸步不前,不肯将一些权力分给总理,因而试图向国会进军。
They were met by large numbers of riot police and fighting quickly ensued.
Protesters ranging from elderly women to young men formed bucket brigades to pass brokenpaving stones to people nearer the police, who hurled them into their ranks. Police respondedwith concussion grenades and rubber bullets.
Although police managed to clear some protesters from central Kiev later in the day, othersappeared to be girding for a longer fight. Some took back Kiev's city hall, which they hadvacated over the weekend, and in western Ukraine at least three regions said they would sendbuses of reinforcements to Kiev.
Authorities, who shut down the city's subway system earlier in the day, announced they wouldrestrict all transport into the city starting at midnight.
By nightfall police, supported by armored personnel carriers and water cannons, rumbledslowly forward through barricades to the edge of the main encampment at IndependenceSquare.
夜幕降临前,配备了装甲车和高压水枪的警察缓缓通过路障,来到基辅独立广场(Independence Square)主要营地的边缘。
Protesters tossed burning debris--construction materials, spare tires, a discarded Christmastree--in their path to try to stop them, and threw rocks and fireworks as opposition leadersled them in singing Ukraine's national anthem.
Some had welded together what appeared to be a massive blow torch, consisting of pipehooked up to a propane tank, that they dragged towards police lines. Some tents on Kiev'smain thoroughfare were also on fire.
Western capitals repeated calls for calm and denounced the violence, without specifying whohad started it.
But Moscow, which on Monday announced it was restoring a financial lifeline to Mr.Yanukovych's government, squarely blamed the protesters. It has long pushed the president tocrack down on them.
Russia's foreign ministry also laid blame on Western officials, who it said 'from the very start ofthe crisis have been closing their eyes to the aggressive actions of radical forces in Ukraine.'