最近,我在布鲁塞尔参加德国马歇尔基金会(GermanMarshall Fund)组织的一场会议。就在会议的几天前,去年11月巴黎爆炸案的主要嫌疑人之一萨拉赫•阿卜杜勒-萨拉姆(Salah Abdeslam)在此落网,整个城市都处在紧张氛围中,但当时没人能预见到,两天后布鲁塞尔自身也将成为袭击目标。
In retrospect, the Sunday morning session at the GMF conference was focused on issues thatnow seem even more urgent. One of the speakers was Yves Goldstein, who runs the office of thepresident of the Brussels regional government.
Mr Goldstein pointed out that the population of Brussels is 25 per cent Muslim. He insisted,with evident sincerity, that the mixed nature of the city, which has French, Flemish and EUquarters, was a source of cultural richness. But he also argued that Brussels faces its mostserious security problem since the second world war since, as he explained, a substantialproportion of the young Muslim population of Brussels, regarded Isis terrorists as “heroes”.
As Mr Goldstein pointed out, the fact that Salah Abdeslam had been able to hide in Brusselsundetected for four months after the Paris attacks shows that there is a substantial networkof people prepared to help terrorist suspects.
These facts should provide some insight into the lessons that can be learned from the Brusselsattacks. The two most important things that need to be improved are long term in nature —integration and intelligence.
At the moment, there is considerable focus on the specific intelligence failures that led theBelgians to fail to roll up a large jihadist network that seems to have been behind the Parisand Brussels attacks. But building up effective intelligence networks is long-term work thatrequires years of effort.
In this respect, the Belgians might be able to learn from the kind of work the Britishintelligence services did after the London bombings of 2005. The UK’s security agencies haveworked on building up networks of intelligence assistants in the Muslim community,particularly among young people and those who attend mosques that host radical preachers.
The hope is that those intelligence operatives can usually pick up information about fugitivejihadis or radical networks before they strike. The British feel that, as a result, they are nowmost vulnerable to “lone wolf” attackers, who are not part of a network. The Belgians, bycontrast, have obviously not been able to penetrate jihadi networks in the ways that areurgently required.
The intelligence task is closely related to the second issue — integration. It is much easierto recruit informants if a substantial part of the community feels attached to the widersociety as a whole. The more isolated the Muslim community is, the more likely it is thatradical ideologies can take root.
The problem is only partly economic. Over the weekend, I visited Molenbeek, the now notoriousBrussels neighbourhood, in which Mr Abdeslam was arrested. Although unemployment ratesare said to be high there, it is not an obviously poverty-stricken area. There are plenty of smallbusinesses and cafés and people bustling around on the streets. But although the district is a10-minute drive from the European quarter and the museum district in Brussels, culturally itfeels distant. Making Molenbeek and the rest of Muslim Brussels feel much more closelyconnected to the rest of Belgian society will be the work of many years.