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      In Nigeria, there is a hashtag doing the rounds: #BringBack-Corruption. A tongue-in-cheekrepudiation of the anti-corruption drive beingspearheaded by President Muhammadu Buhari, thecampaign nevertheless reflects real anger at risinghardship.

      在尼日利亚,有一个正在迅速流传的话题标签:#还我腐败#(#BringBack-Corruption)。这是对尼日利亚总统穆罕默杜•布哈里(Muhammadu Buhari)发起的反腐行动的戏谑的批评,尽管如此,这一批评的确反映出他们对尼日利亚日益加剧的困境的真切愤怒。

      Never mind that the main culprit of Nigeria’s woes is the price of oil: at $40 a barrel, a bigcomedown for a mono-commodity state whose cronies, schemers and skimmers have grownaccustomed to the $100-a-barrel lifestyle. Not a few Nigerians, even those too poor and tooremoved from power to leech off the petro-economy, are blaming Mr Buhari’s war on graft fortheir misfortune.


      “With corruption a bag of pure water was N80. Without corruption a bag of pure water isN150 #BringBack-Corruption”, goes a typical refrain. Another highlights one company’s effortsto wring more profit from a shrivelling market. “Titus Sardine started with 4 fishes, it reducedto 3. Now it’s 2. In years to come, you’ll open Sardine and see ‘Try Again, No fish this time’ #BringBackCorruption.”

      “有腐败的时候一袋纯净水要80奈拉。没有腐败的时候一袋纯净水要150奈拉#还我腐败#”,这是一条具有代表性的抱怨。另一条抱怨表明一家公司从萎缩的市场中挤出多一点利润的尝试。“Titus牌沙丁鱼罐头最开始一罐里头有4条鱼,然后减少到了3条。现在有2条。未来几年,你打开沙丁鱼罐头以后会看到‘再试一次,这次没有鱼’ #还我腐败#”。

      Mr Buhari has indeed made the pursuit of corruption, along with the fight against Boko Haramterrorists, his biggest priority, though the link with rising prices or diminishing fish portionsis not entirely obvious. Despite there being little if any direct correlation, many say that awhole system once lubricated by under-the-table money has simply seized up.

      布哈里的确将打击腐败和博科哈拉姆(Boko Haram)恐怖分子放在了首位——尽管这和物价上升或者鱼肉份量减少之间的联系并不明显。直接联系即使有的话,也很微弱,但许多人说,整个曾经靠台面下资金的润滑得以运转的体制如今已经停止运作。

      Mr Buhari, a retired general, ran the country in the early 1980s after seizing power the old-fashioned way — in a military coup. He also railed against the endemic corruption thatmade Nigeria notorious, even in Africa. Whatever traction he gained during two years ofmilitary rule was quickly lost. Levels of state theft reached vertiginous heights undersubsequent leaders.


      Now, after his surprise win in last year’s election, Mr Buhari is having another go. Under hisdirection, state prosecutors have gone after several high-ranking members of the previousadministration of Goodluck Jonathan, though the former president, who had the grace to quitoffice when electors booted him out, is assumed to be safe from prosecution.

      去年意外在选举中获胜的布哈里正在进行又一次尝试。在他的指令下,尼日利亚检方已经起诉了前总统古德勒克•乔纳森(Goodluck Jonathan)领导的上一届政府中的多名高官,尽管乔纳森本人应该会被免于起诉(他在被选民投下台时爽快地让出了位置)。

      Results have been mixed. The trial of Sambo Dasuki, a former national security adviser, hasrun into trouble over alleged procedural irregularities, blamed by some on Mr Buhari’s militaryinstincts and his impatience with the niceties of the law. Mr Dasuki is accused of helping to“divert” about $2.1bn meant to have been deployed in fighting Boko Haram.

      结果好坏参半。对前国家安全顾问桑博•达苏基(Sambo Dasuki)的审判因为涉嫌程序失当而遇到了麻烦,一些人将其归咎于布哈里的军人本能和他对法律细节的不耐烦。达苏基被指控帮助他人“挪用”本应用于打击博科哈拉姆分子的约21亿美元的拨款。

      Recent attacks on power stations and oil and gas pipelines have been blamed on saboteursangered by Mr Buhari’s crackdown on nefarious activities. As lights flicker off and privategenerators cough into action, some Nigerians have taken to muttering: “When you fightcorruption, corruption fights back.”


      Champagne importers and car dealers, too, are complaining that officials are not spending likethey used to. “There’s not enough money flowing around because everything was beingfinanced by corruption,” says Mohammed Garuba, head of asset management atCardinalStone, a Lagos-based financial institution.


      Mr Buhari’s drive is laudable. It is, however, unlikely to work. He is right to end the culture ofimpunity by going after big offenders. But unless he can tackle the underlying causes ofcorruption, the victims of his campaign will be seen as arbitrary and his victories fleeting.


      So what are the causes? Central are the opportunities presented to a parasitic coterie ofmiddlemen, gatekeepers, rationers, arbitrageurs, licensers and fixers. They trade in scarcity,much of it of their own devising. They can get you anything, from business permits to oil blocks— if the price is right. In such a rentier system, the disincentives to actually make anything arehuge. Mr Buhari has complained with only mild exaggeration that Nigeria cannot evenproduce toothpicks.


      To tackle the root cause of corruption, Nigeria needs to purge rent-seeking opportunities.Nowhere are these more evident than in the oil industry. Nigeria is the largest petroleumproducer in Africa. Its output of 2m barrels a day is controlled by the Nigerian NationalPetroleum Corporation, a many-tentacled entity which — and you can almost see the flashingred warning sign — both regulates and participates in the oil business. The NNPC dabbles inexploration, distribution and refining, though the latter mostly consists of exporting rawcrude and importing refined products at scandalous prices.


      The NNPC is a case study in how to sacrifice national interest to personal gain. The auditor-general recently found that it had failed to remit $16bn to the Treasury in 2014 alone.Amazingly, in oil-abundant Nigeria, most people have no electricity. One does not have to be amarket fundamentalist to conclude that the NNPC needs shrinking to as small a size aspossible, where zero is the optimal number.


      Few doubt Mr Buhari’s sincerity in taking on corruption. Yet punishing individual wrongdoerswill not be enough. Unless he can devise coherent strategies to squeeze graft from thesystem, it will return with a vengeance once he has gone. Then the advocates of#BringBackCorruption will have got their way. It will, though, be a cause for anything butcelebration.


      上一篇:美国对孟加拉国美使馆雇员被杀事件提出谴责 下一篇:伦敦第一家裸体餐厅即将开业,你会来吗?


