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    Vladimir Putin’s regime describes itself by its grudges. The Russian president harbours a lengthy list of grievances and imagined slights, reaching from the collapse of the Soviet Union to the expansion of the EU and Nato, to US military interventions in the Middle East. The most personally wounding, though, comprised a few words uttered a couple of years ago by US President Barack Obama.

    弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)政权在描述自我时带着满腔怨恨。这位俄罗斯总统怀揣着一份冗长的清单,记录着他的不满和想象中受到的怠慢——从苏联(Soviet Union)解体到欧盟(EU)和北约(Nato)的扩张、再到美国对中东的军事干预。不过,最带有个人色彩的伤害是几年前美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)说过的一些话。

    Mr Putin craves respect. Russia, Mr Obama said, was no more than a “regional power” whose revanchist military intervention in Ukraine was evidence of weakness rather than a demonstration of prowess. Russian actions were “a problem”, but not the biggest threat to America’s national security. You could hear the screams of anguish in the Kremlin.


    The assessment was at once right and wrong. By almost every metric — economic, demographic, social or technological — Russia faces inexorable decline. The US president, though, underestimated Moscow’s willingness to use its still formidable military. Mr Putin is a leader ready to take risks at a time when the west prizes caution above all else. Mr Obama missed, too, the link between adventurism and hurt national pride. If Mr Putin wants anything on the global stage, it is to be treated as the leader of a power that can sit down as an equal with the US and China.


    Barring a political earthquake and a victory for Republican candidate Donald Trump, November’s US election will not change the essential parameters of the relationship between Russia and the west. The “reset” offered by Mr Obama at the beginning of his presidency has been lost to the annexation of Crimea, the occupation of eastern Ukraine and the raining down of Russian bombs on the Syrian city of Aleppo.

    除非发生一场政治地震、共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)获胜,11月的美国大选不会改变俄罗斯和西方关系的基本参数。奥巴马在上任初期提出的“重启”美俄关系的策略,败给了俄罗斯的一系列举动——吞并克里米亚、侵占乌克兰东部地区以及对叙利亚阿勒颇市(Aleppo)狂轰滥炸。

    True, the Russian president still has admirers in the west. They extend beyond Mr Trump. Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s Labour party, has spent a political lifetime marching against wars fought by the west. He cannot bring himself to condemn the Russian slaughter of civilians in Aleppo. He is in the company of Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s National Front, and pro-Moscow fascist parties in Hungary and Greece. Far left thus meets far right.

    不错,西方仍然有普京的崇拜者。不光是特朗普。英国工党领袖杰里米•科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)在整个政治生涯里都在反对西方进行的战争。他做不到指责俄罗斯对阿勒颇平民的屠杀。和他一样的还有法国国民阵线(National Front)领导人马琳•勒庞(Marine Le Pen),以及匈牙利和希腊亲俄罗斯的法西斯主义政党。极左翼和极右翼在这点上不谋而合。

    It is evident to just about everyone else, however, that the interventions in Ukraine and Syria are expressions of a broader Kremlin strategy. Regime survival and hostility towards the west are two sides of the same coin. Support for populist parties of left and right in Europe, the subversion of democracy in formerly communist states and the cyber attacks on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign are all of the same piece. Mr Putin’s target is the liberal international order. He wants a great power carve-up that restores Russian suzerainty over its near-abroad and flatters its relevance in global affairs.

    然而,几乎其他所有人都清楚,俄罗斯在乌克兰和叙利亚的军事干预是克里姆林宫一项更广泛战略的表现。维系政权和敌视西方是同一枚硬币的两面。支持欧洲或左或右的民粹主义政党、颠覆前共产主义国家的民主制度、以及对希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)总统竞选团队发动网络攻击,本质都一样。普京的目标是自由国际秩序。他希望由大国来瓜分世界,恢复俄罗斯对周边邻国的宗主地位,并凸显俄罗斯在国际事务中的重要性。

    There is no off-the-peg response available to the west. Useful lessons can be drawn from the cold war — particularly about the importance of things such as predictable and calibrated responses — and diplomats and strategists need to relearn some of the old rules for managing great power relations. But, pace Mr Putin, Russia is not the Soviet Union. What the US and its allies can usefully do is establish principles to frame a reset grounded in realism. They should start with resolve, consistency, engagement and respect.


    Resolve is the most important. Mr Putin is an opportunist rather than a grand strategist, a leader looking to probe and test the weaknesses of adversaries. The west’s mistake has been to worry that deterrence could be seen as provocation. By failing to show resolve, it has heightened rather than defused tensions. The forward deployment of Nato forces in eastern Europe has gone some way to provide public reassurance. But Washington should be sending unequivocal messages about lines — in Syria and Europe — that cannot be crossed without consequences.


    The second ingredient is consistency. Mr Putin is adept at exploiting division and hesitation. European states, in particular, need to show that they can put differences to one side in treating with Moscow. Instead of rolling over economic sanctions every few months — each occasion providing an opportunity for Russia to sow dissent — the EU should change the dynamic by declaring them open-ended. They will be lifted only when the Kremlin changes its behaviour. Consistency also demands a series of graduated responses to hostile acts. Moscow should know that cyber attacks and subversion will elicit a response, whether travel restrictions on those closely associated with the regime or tighter economic sanctions.


    Engagement is a word often used by those whose real agenda is submission. Mr Corbyn comes to mind. But tough-minded management of the relationship should not preclude recognition of mutual interests. Where the two sides can co-operate usefully — say, in countering terrorism or nuclear proliferation — the west should take the initiative in promoting joint action.


    Finally, there is that word respect. To say that Russia is weak in most of the dimensions of power is to state the obvious. That does not mean it is wise for a US president publicly to confront a thin-skinned Russian president with the uncomfortable reality. Dissembling has a place in diplomacy. The sadness is that, if Mr Putin continues to pretend Russia is a great power, it will eventually cease to be a great nation.


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