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    MANCHESTER, England — It started in San José, Costa Rica, late Saturday night, with a goal from Kendall Waston, the Costa Rica striker, and a scream from Kristian Mora, commentating on his nation’s game with Honduras for Teletica Deportes. “El Mundial, el Mundial, el Mundial,” he bellowed, over and over again, as Waston raced toward the fans in the Estadio Nacional and thousands more spilled out onto the streets to celebrate. “That’s what the country is shouting.”

    英格兰曼彻斯特——一切始于周六深夜的哥斯达黎加圣何塞,哥斯达黎加前锋肯德尔·沃斯顿(Kendall Waston)在同洪都拉斯的比赛中进了一个球,现场为Teletica Deportes电视台解说比赛的哥斯达黎加人克里斯蒂安·莫拉(Kristian Mora)不禁发出尖叫,“进了,进了,进了,”他一遍又一遍地喊着。与此同时,沃斯顿冲向国家体育馆的球迷,还有成千上万人涌上街头庆祝。“这就是整个国家此时的呼唤。”

    It swept into Alexandria, Egypt, a day later: Mohamed Salah’s nerveless penalty, again in the 95th minute, giving the hosts a nerve-shredding victory against Congo and a place in the World Cup for the first time in 28 years. Salah, carried aloft on his teammates’ shoulders, described it as a “childhood dream.” So many fans packed the streets of Cairo that, at one point, an army helicopter appeared, dropping Egyptian flags from the air.

    一天后,这股浪潮席卷了埃及的亚历山大。在埃及对阵刚果的比赛中,穆罕默德·萨拉赫(Mohamed Salah)在第95分钟冷静地主罚点球命中,为主队取得了比赛的胜利,也令埃及28年来首次跻身世界杯。萨拉赫被队友们抬在肩膀上,他说这是自己的“童年梦想”。无数球迷挤满了开罗的街道,后来空中出现一架军用直升机,从空中抛下一面面埃及国旗。

    On Monday, on the cusp of the Arctic Circle, it was Iceland with a victory over Kosovo, enough to make it the smallest country ever to have qualified for a World Cup. On the field in Reykjavik, Iceland’s players led their fans in the now-traditional thunderclap. The noise traveled around the world.


    And then came the climax, on Tuesday: in Quito, Ecuador, and Couvo, Trinidad; in Lima, Peru, and Lisbon, Portugal; in Panama City and Sydney, and San Pedro Sula, Honduras. At the end of four days of the most exquisite tension, the coup de grâce, on arguably the most remarkable day of international soccer for a generation.


    Argentina, so troubled for so long, made it, thanks to a hat trick from Lionel Messi against Ecuador; so did his peer, rival and existential counterweight, Cristiano Ronaldo, as Portugal edged out Switzerland at the last.

    阿根廷经历了长期的困难,终于在对阵厄瓜多尔一役中,因利昂内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi)上演的帽子戏法得以成功打入世界杯。和梅西齐名的球星、竞争对手与生死大敌克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)也带领葡萄牙在最后一场比赛中淘汰了瑞士。

    So great is the lure of Europe’s club competitions and so compelling are the endless soap operas around their teams, that it is easy for those in the countries that have appointed themselves the sport’s heartlands to be dismissive of international soccer.


    Panama, a victor against Costa Rica, will be there for the first time — thanks, in part, to a goal that did not happen. It was such an auspicious occasion for the country that the next day was immediately declared a national holiday. The United States, beaten by Trinidad and Tobago, will not be there, the shining brilliance of Christian Pulisic not enough to prevent the country from missing its first finals since 1986.

    巴拿马由于战胜了哥斯达黎加,将首次入围——这在某种程度上多亏了一个其实并没有进的进球。此事是如此喜庆,以至于该国立即宣布翌日为全国节日。美国被特立尼达和多巴哥击败而无缘世界杯,克里斯蒂安·普利西奇(Christian Pulisic)的出色发挥也未能阻止美国自1986年以来首次未能跻身决赛圈。

    Honduras might yet qualify, thanks to a win against Mexico, but only if it can beat Australia, which edged past Syria, the decisive goal coming after 199 minutes of 210. That is one of the intercontinental playoffs for a place in Russia; the other features New Zealand and a Peru team indebted to David Ospina, the Colombia goalkeeper, and an eagle-eyed referee. Peru and Colombia tied, 1-1, in Lima. Peru’s goal came from Paolo Guerrero, scoring direct from an indirect free kick. Had Ospina not touched it, the ball would still have gone in, but Peru would be out. Such are the margins. In recent days, such has been the drama.

    洪都拉斯仍有可能入围,因为它战胜了墨西哥;但只有在它战胜澳大利亚时才有这个可能,而澳大利亚在长达210分钟的比赛中的第199分才进了决胜的一球,险胜叙利亚。这只是得以入围俄罗斯世界杯的跨大洲附加赛的其中一场;在另一场中,与新西兰对阵的秘鲁队多亏了哥伦比亚队守门员大卫·奥斯皮纳(David Ospina)和眼光锐利的裁判。秘鲁在利玛举行的比赛中与哥伦比亚以1-1战平。秘鲁的进球来自于保罗·格雷罗(Paolo Guerrero)的间接任意球直接破门得分。如果奥斯皮纳没有碰这个球,球仍然会进,但秘鲁也将被淘汰。就是这么悬。最近几天,就是这么有戏剧性。

    The Champions League, after all, is now the game’s gold standard, where greatness is achieved and contested. Pelé and Diego Maradona built their legends at World Cups, back when that was the only place where the very best assembled, and when it was the only time much of the rest of the world could see, and assess, them. Messi and Ronaldo, by contrast, meet their peers every other week in the Champions League, and do so in front of an audience of millions.


    Domestic competition, too, is so much more compelling now: the cut and thrust of the Premier League, awash with unimaginable sums of money, and the glamour of Barcelona and Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and Juventus. Soccer’s rapid globalization in the last two decades has meant that these are the jerseys players dream of wearing, these are the competitions that they dream of winning, and these are the teams to whom fans lend their hearts, every week, every month, every year.


    Internationals, by contrast, are an afterthought and an inconvenience. Attendances across Europe, even in Italy and Spain, suggest a lack of engagement: Games are regularly moved to smaller stadiums in a bid to generate atmosphere, but even that cannot always mitigate against the sight of vast swaths of empty seats. In England, which has the national team that regularly draws the largest crowd, the conviction has taken hold that it does not matter that much anymore, that the club game is the sport’s engine.


    Such is the privilege of success. Europe’s superpowers qualified for Russia while barely breaking a sweat: England, Spain and Germany all finished the campaign unbeaten. Germany, the world champion, did not so much as drop a point. Portugal, France and Italy lost only once. It is not boring because it does not matter; it is boring because it is easy.


    To the people pouring out of their homes to celebrate in Iceland, in Egypt, in Panama; to Kristian Mora, screaming himself hoarse, international soccer matters, in a way that club games rarely, if ever, match. Millions tune in to the Premier League, or the Champions League, or a clásico, in all of those places. Very few national holidays are declared.


    And yet, it was impossible to watch all that joy without wondering if it might be for almost the last time. This is one of the last qualification cycles for a 32-team World Cup. In 2026, thanks to FIFA’s ruling earlier this year, 48 countries will qualify.


    The rationale is clear. The emotion of qualifying is international soccer’s appeal, its unique selling point, and yet it can be lost. Australia’s late winner and the United States’ eventual defeat were 14 hours apart, and yet few could have taken in both games and all the nail-biting sport in between. The kickoff times were too diffuse; the distances too great; work and sleep and time got in the way.


    Far better, then, for all of that drama to be bottled and stored and released in a concentrated form, as part of the finals themselves. That way more people can watch; that way, more people will pay. To FIFA, drama only counts if it can be monetized.

    更好的办法是让这些激情洋溢的比赛成为决赛的一部分,把它们集中打包发行。这样就会有更多人观看,也会有更多人为之付费。 对于国际足联来说,只有能够带来利润的激情才算得上真正的激情。

    There is a fundamental misunderstanding here. Costa Rica did not explode with joy, or Panama declare a national holiday, or Egyptians flood the streets because they expect to win the World Cup. It was an outpouring of joy simply for being there, for achieving something rare and wonderful.


    As soon as being there becomes an expectation, an obligation, that joy disappears. That is when international soccer does become boring. FIFA set out to transform the World Cup because — officially — it felt that the more people invited, the better the party. It just forgot that part of the thrill, part of the appeal, is in receiving that exclusive invitation in the first place.


      上一篇:特朗普若撕毁伊核协议将增强朝鲜核野心 下一篇:数说五年成就:发挥巡视利剑作用 推进全面从严治党


