巴勒斯坦相互敌对的两大派别法塔赫(Fatah)和哈马斯(Hamas)达成和解协议,这将终结巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(Palestinian Authority)主席马哈茂德•阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)所在政党与控制加沙地带(Gaza Strip)的伊斯兰组织之间长达10年的裂痕。
Representatives from the two factions met in Cairo earlier this week to hammer out the details of a reconciliation agreement after Hamas agreed last month to hand over power in Gaza to Abbas’s government.
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh issued a statement on Thursday that “Fatah and Hamas have reached an agreement earlier this morning under generous Egyptian sponsorship.” Additional details of the deal are due to be announced at a press conference.
哈马斯领袖伊斯梅尔•哈尼亚(Ismail Haniya)周四在声明中表示,“在埃及的慷慨帮助下,法塔赫和哈马斯在今晨早些时候达成协议。”协议的更多细节将在新闻发布会上宣布。
One of the main obstacles was the issue of Hamas’ armed forces and stockpile of arms — it has fought three wars against Israel since it ousted Fatah from the Gaza Strip in an armed coup in 2007. Last week Mr Haniyeh said Hamas wouldn’t disarm and would “resist the occupation with all forms of resistance.”
Reporting by Ilan Ben Zion