Authorities have begun clearing roads and assessing damage after Cyclone Amphan barreled through coastal communities in eastern India and neighbouring Bangladesh.
Millions have been displaced by the storm, which has killed more than 100 people.
India's West Bengal state bore the brunt of the storm, which caused extensive flooding in its capital Kolkata.
Police and disaster response teams have started to remove fallen trees and other debris, repaired communication lines and began moving hundreds of thousands of people out of shelters.
Amphan hit land Thursday as the most powerful storm in the region in more than a decade, dumping heavy rain amid a battering storm surge.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said the cyclone should be treated as a national disaster and appealed for assistance from the federal government.
西孟加拉邦首席部长班纳吉(Mamata Banerjee)说,这次强热带风暴应该被视为一场全国性灾难,并呼吁联邦政府提供援助。
Prime Minister Narendra Modi surveyed the worst-hit areas of West Bengal and neighboring Odisha state by air.
印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)乘坐飞机视察了受灾最严重的西孟加拉邦和邻近的奥里萨邦。
It was Modi’s first trip outside the national capital after imposing a coronavirus lockdown in late March.
In an initial assessment, officials in Bangladesh said the cyclone caused about $213 million in damage to infrastructure, housing, fisheries, livestock, water resources and agriculture.
The full extent of the damage along India's eastern coast was not immediately known.
Authorities in both countries managed to evacuate more than 3 million people before Amphan struck.