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    What has happened to the stock market in this epidemic


    Even with millions of people out of work, the stock market has regained much of the ground it lost since March. Below, a trader walks across the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange on May 28.



    It's counterintuitive.


    At a time of roiling civil unrest and an unprecedented economic crisis, stock prices are chugging along quite nicely. In fact, they have rebounded sharply since the dark days of March.


    The Dow Jones Industrial Average, which lost 37% of its value between Feb. 12 and March 23, has now regained more than two-thirds of the ground it lost. Same with the broader S&P 500 index.

    道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数在2月12日至3月23日期间下跌了37%,目前已收复了跌幅的三分之二以上。范围更广的标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)也是如此。

    Or, as President Trump tweeted last week, "Stock Market up BIG. ... The Transition to Greatness has started, ahead of schedule."



    It's a staggering turnaround since the early days of the coronavirus lockdowns, when the Dow was routinely falling by 1,000 points or more. On March 16, the most widely quoted stock index had its worst single-day point drop on record, falling 2,997 points, or 13%.


    What gives?


    Some of the rebound has been driven by a few big tech companies such as Apple and Microsoft, which have returned to their pre-pandemic levels.


    "These companies ... have developed just an unbelievable sort of character that just does not exist among the broader stock market," says Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at the Leuthold Group.

    Leuthold Group首席投资策略师吉姆•鲍尔森表示: “这些公司…已经发展出一种令人难以置信的特质,这种特质在整体股市中是不存在的。”

    "They've been able to grow even when the economy doesn't grow. And when the economy does grow, they grow faster. That is an incredible attribute," he says.


    A few other companies, such as Netflix and Amazon, have actually benefited from the pandemic. When people are locked inside, they stream a lot of movies and order a lot online.


    Because tech giants make up a large part of major stock indexes like the S&P 500, their movements tend to have an outsize effect on the broader market.


    But even companies especially hard hit by the pandemic, such as Marriott and Carnival, have risen since March, although they're still down sharply for the year.


    What has happened is a clear shift in market sentiment, Paulsen says.


    Current economic data may look ominous, with unemployment nearing 15%, consumer spending in a ditch and famous companies such as J.C. Penney and Hertz in bankruptcy. But investors are peering into the future and seeing an economy that is beginning to recover.

    当前的经济数据看起来可能不太好,失业率接近15%,消费者支出陷入低谷,J.C. Penney和Hertz等知名公司破产。但投资者正在展望未来,看到经济开始复苏。

    "There are a lot of things that have changed to the more favorable side. We're starting to see the reopening of the economy." Paulsen says.


    Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve and other central banks have been pouring money into the economy to help small businesses and municipal governments. The Fed is even buying junk bonds.



      上一篇:农民们想办法挽救数百万头猪免于被屠宰 下一篇:现在看来,iPhone 12很可能会推迟上市,但时间不会太长


