现在看来,iPhone 12很可能会推迟上市,但时间不会太长
While some leaks suggest the iPhone 12 could land in September, as is typical of Apple’s smartphones, the majority of sources are pointing to a delay. That includes people who we’d really expect to know what they’re talking about, such as Hock Tan, the chief executive officer of Broadcom (a company which is expected to supply wireless components for the iPhone 12).
虽然有消息称,iPhone 12可能会在9月上市,这是苹果智能手机的典型特点,但大多数消息来源都指出iPhone 12将推迟上市。这其中包括我们真正希望知道他们在说什么的人,比如博通(一家有望为iPhone 12提供无线组件的公司)的首席执行官霍克·谭。
Tan’s claims came in a recent earnings call, in which – according to Bloomberg – he said there would be a “major product cycle delay” at a “large North American mobile phone” maker. While he didn’t mention Apple by name, there aren’t too many companies that could fit that description, and Bloomberg claims he’s used that description for Apple in the past.
This delay, he said, would lead to a revenue bump in the fourth quarter of the year, rather than the third quarter.
Probably still landing this year
It’s not totally clear from this when the iPhone 12 range would launch, but it sounds like September is unlikely, but that it will still be coming this year. That’s in line with another recent report which suggested the iPhone 12 range could be pushed back to November.
目前还不清楚iPhone 12何时会发布,但似乎不太可能在9月发布,但它仍然会在今年发布。这与最近的另一份报告一致,该报告称iPhone 12系列可能会推迟到11月。
However, there are a couple of things to note. Firstly, while Tan seems like a solid source in this matter we’d still take this with a pinch of salt, especially as he didn’t specifically mention Apple by name.
Secondly, even if the iPhone 12 range is delayed in hitting stores, it’s possible that it will still be announced at Apple’s usual September event.
其次,即使iPhone 12延迟上市,它仍有可能在苹果惯常的9月发布会上发布。