New Zealand has now gone 101 days without any community transmission of the coronavirus, and life in the country has largely returned to normal – an experience far different from the havoc that the virus is causing elsewhere in the world.
"Achieving 100 days without community transmission is a significant milestone, however, as we all know, we can't afford to be complacent," Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand's director-general of health, said in a statement Sunday.
"We have seen overseas how quickly the virus can re-emerge and spread in places where it was previously under control, and we need to be prepared to quickly stamp out any future cases in New Zealand," he continued.
On Monday, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, called New Zealand "a global exemplar."
How has New Zealand been so successful? Experts point to its quick work in isolating any cases that emerged.
Epidemiologist Brian Cox at the University of Otago in Dunedin told NPR. "Once we realized it was a cluster epidemic, we worked really hard to isolate people that were infected and quarantine the rest of the people in that person's network."
The country's leaders continue to urge caution. The government is asking people to use the NZ COVID Tracer smartphone app to log where they've been in case contact tracers need to reach them. New Zealanders are encouraged to add masks to their emergency kits in case of a future outbreak, though "there's no need to use them now," Bloomfield said in a Facebook Live discussion last week.
该国领导人继续敦促保持谨慎。政府要求人们使用NZ COVID Tracer智能手机应用程序来记录他们所去过的地方,以防联系追踪者需要找到他们。上周,布卢姆菲尔德在Facebook上的现场讨论中说,新西兰鼓励在应急包中加入口罩,以防未来爆发疫情,不过“现在没有必要使用它们”。
With the virus under control in the island nation, Radio New Zealand's Colin Peacock said life is really quite ordinary.
"Shopping, movies, entertainment, going to bars," he said. "We can dance as late as we like. So everything is just fine in that regard, and business is carrying on as normal."
New Zealand's border remains closed to foreign nationals, and Kiwis returning home are forced to follow a strict 14-day quarantine.
The big difference in daily life? "That closed-down border," Peacock said.