
An illustration of the spade coins at Guanzhuang minting site. [Photo provided to Henan Daily]
4 types of remains related to the production of spade coins were identified at Guanzhuang bronze foundry, including finished hollow-handle spade coins (kongshoubu), unused and used clay cores and outer moulds, among which the clay core is the direct proof of standardized coin production at the foundry. A total of 54 unused and discarded clay cores for casting the hollow handle of spade coins were recovered from 9 deposition units. According to the CT images, the 54 clay cores were the same as those still embedded in the sockets of the coin handles recovered at the site, thus proving that the Guanzhuang foundry was the minting site.
To determine the absolute date of the Guanzhuang mint, a series of deposition units were selected for radiocarbon-dating. Besides, charred seeds of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and small pieces of charcoal collected were also submitted for AMS radiocarbon-dating. The analysis of all samples by Beta Analytic Inc indicated that bronze production at Guanzhuang started between 814 and 750 BC. During the next 150 years, the foundry produced predominantly ritual vessels, weapons and chariot fittings. Standardized coins minting occurred between 640 BC and 550 BC at the site, while its bronze production kept going. Currently, Guanzhuang is considered as the oldest-known minting site determined by robust radiocarbon dating in the world.
Guanzhuang mint is located at Guanzhuang village of Gaocun town in Xingyang city. Approved by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the School of History of Zhengzhou University, together with the Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and the Xingyang Heritage Conservation and Management Center, carried out systematic archaeological exploration and excavation at Guangzhuang, discovering a large craft-production zone with workshops of bronze, ceramic and bone artifacts. The bronze foundry occupied the largest area among them. In 2019, the craft-production remains at Guanzhuang during the Zhou and Han dynasties reached the final stage of selection for the top 10 national archaeological discoveries in 2018.
据了解,官庄遗址位于河南省荥阳市高村乡官庄村。经国家文物局批准,郑州大学历史学院联合郑州市文物考古研究院、荥阳市文物保护管理中心在遗址内进行了系统勘探和发掘,发现了大面积的手工业作坊区,作坊内的手工业活动涉及铸铜、制陶、制骨等多种类型。其中,铸铜作坊的面积最大。2019年,官庄遗址两周及汉代手工业作坊遗存入围2018年全国十大考古新发现终评。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 海报/实习生王君艺 审校/丁岚)