The Beijing Olympics has been running smoothly going into its second week of competition, said Yang Shu'an, vice president of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games (BOCOG), at a daily briefing on Sunday.
2月13日,在北京冬奥会每日例行新闻发布会上,北京冬奥组委副主席杨树安表示 ,北京冬奥会赛程已过半,赛事运行进展顺利。
Yang said all competition venues have been in good condition, providing the best platform for athletes to show their level.
The fierce competitions in Beijing have seen a number of Olympic records broken and two new world records, Yang said.
The Games also draws enormous attention from the world. International Olympic Committee spokesperson Mark Adams said Beijing 2022 had received record viewings from around the world.