The railroad station was jammed.Students from Lafayette College were crowding o nto the train platform eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Carlisle Indian Schools track and field squad. No one would have be-lieved it a few months earlier. A school that nobody had heard of was suddenly beating big,famous colleges in track meets. Surely these Carlisle athletes would come charging off the train ,one after another,like a Marine battalion. The train finally arrived and two young men one big and broad the other small and slight-stepped onto the platform.
A:Where is the track team
B:This is the team
A:Just the two of you?
B:Nope,just me,this little guy is the manager.
The Lafayette students shook their heads in wonder.Somebody must be playing a joke on them. If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team,he would be competing against an entire Iafayette squad. He did.He ran sprints,he ran hurdles, he ran distant races. He high-jumped,he broad-jumped. He threw the javelin and the shot. Finishing first in eight events,the big fellow beat the whole Lafayette team. The big fel-low was Jim Thorpe,the greatest American athlete of modern times.