144 They send in the obituary writer 他们把写讣告的人派来了
As a writer for one of the less glamorous sections of a newspaper, I also do entertainment features on rare occasions. Once, I was assigned to review a play that hadn't opened yet. After the rehearsal, I was chatting with the cast and mentioned what I usually do at the paper. One thespian, shaking his head, remarked, “Oh, great. The play hasn't even opened yet, and they send in the obituary writer.”我是一家报纸的不太热门的专栏作家。偶尔也写一些娱乐特写报道。有一次,我被派去评论一个尚未上演的剧目。看完排练以后,我和演员们聊天,谈到我在报社通常干什么。一个演员摇摇头评论说:“噢,太棒了。这个剧还没有上演,他们已经把写讣告的人派来了。”