145 My vision's not too good 我眼神不太好
I played for a semipro baseball team. At every game we sold raffle tickets. Half the money paid the team's expenses and the other half went to the winning ticket holder. One day they held the drawing just as I was stepping up to bat. The home plate umpire pulled the winning ticket, and then turned to me. “Could you read me the number?” he asked. “My vision's not too good.”我在一个半职业的棒球队打球。每次比赛我们都卖抽奖券。用其中一半钱支付球队的开销,另一半给中奖的人。有一天当我走上去要击球的时候,他们正在抽奖。本垒板裁判员抽出中奖票,递给我说:“你能不能把号码念给我听?我眼神不太好。”