150 You first 您先请
After I saw a mouse scurrying across my kitchen, I set out some poison and went to bed. But I didn't realize I left a half-finished cup of yogurt on the counter. The next morning when I went to toss it away, I noticed that tucked in the yogurt were two of the pellets I'd left for Mr. Mouse. I had to smile. It was like he was saying, “You first.”看见一只老鼠在厨房里蹿过去,我下了一些耗子药,就去睡了。但是我忘了厨台上还放了一杯喝了一半的酸奶。第二天早上,当我去扔酸奶的时候,发现里面有两颗我为老鼠先生准备的小药丸。我苦笑了一下。这好像是它在对我说:“您先请。”