219 What are you using for bait 你是用什么作诱饵
To help untangle my fishing gear, I asked my wife and her sister to walk the fishing line across our front yard and hold it taut while I reeled it back in. A man strolling by saw the two good-looking women and did a double take. “I don't know what you're using for bait,” he said to me, “but I'll take a dozen.”为了理顺我的渔具,我让我的妻子和小姨子在前院拉着钓鱼线,并且在我往回卷的时候把线绷紧。一个闲逛的男子看见这两个漂亮女子,先愣了一下,然后对我说:“我不知道你是用什么作诱饵。我也要买一打。”