220 They'll leave the key for you 他们会把钥匙留给你
George, my husband, volunteered to strip the bricks from the exterior of my parents' house. One morning he was out front chipping away when a man came by looking for my father. “He's not here,” George said. The man thanked him, watched him remove a few more bricks and said, “I'll bet next time they'll leave the key for you.”我的丈夫乔治自告奋勇地要帮我的父母亲拆除房子外面的砖块。一天上午他正在前面拆砖的时候,有一个男子来看我父亲。乔治说:“他不在家。”那男子谢了他,又看他拆了几块砖,然后说:“我想下一次他们会把钥匙留给你。”