984 Free Zucchini 解放西葫芦
After harvesting the usual bumper crop of squash, I took a half-dozen to the office. I piled them on the table in the break room, and posted a sign advertising them as free. The next day I noticed an addition to my sign. Below “Free Zucchini,” someone had written “Save the Whales.”
我家的西葫芦获得大丰收,带了半打到办公室去。我把它们堆在休息室的桌子上,并且写上条子让大家免费享用。第二天,我看见在我写的“免费西葫芦”下面有人添了一行字:“拯救鲸鱼”。(free还有“解放”的意思。Free Zucchini可以理解为“解放西葫芦”,因而有人用“拯救鲸鱼”来应答。)