可是,在英语的层面上,他那美丽的一面并不为重视,人们只是着眼于其骄傲自大(proud and arrogant)的神态。
我相信现在大家也应猜到As proud as a peacock这个词组是什么含义啦,对!是指人沾沾自喜,洋洋得意,"像孔雀一样骄傲"
When May became the limelight of the dancing ball, she was as proud as a peacock.
(当 May 成为舞会中的焦点时,她便有如孔雀般骄傲起来。)
英语中有许多用 as + 形容词 as + a /an + 动物名词的表达,用来形容人的性格,例如:
as timid as a hare(胆小如兔);
as strong as a Horse(健壮如马);
as watchful as a hawk(锐敏如鹰);
as cunning as a fox(古惑如狐);
as gentle as a lamb(温驯如羊);
as innocent as a dove(天真如鸽)。