(1) “I have a hard time understanding the dialogue without subtitles.”
“I have a hard time” is a common way to say “I have difficulty” in everyday spoken English. Subtitles are the written words on the bottom of the screen.
“I have a hard time”通常在口语里就是和“I have difficulty”一个意思。Subtitles就是出现在屏幕底部的文字。
(2) “Although the premise was intriguing, the plot was complex and a little hard to follow.”
The premise is the idea or concept of the movie, and intriguing is a word that means interesting, something that gets your attention. The plot is the story of a movie or book, and if it was “hard to follow” it means it was difficult to understand or confusing as you were watching the movie.
Premise就是一个电影的理念和题材。Intriguing意为有趣,能引起你注意的东西。Plot就是一个电影和书要讲述的事情(即是情节),如果说“hard to follow”,就是表明在你看电影的时候,你有点不能理解的感觉。
(1) “The completely implausible twist at the end ruined it.”
A twist is an unexpected turn of events. If you describe it as implausible, it means it was too unlikely, not probable, too difficult to believe that it could really happen in that way. The word ruined means made it bad.
Twist就是一件事件意料之外的反转。用implausible来描述的话,就是说这是个完全没几率,完全没可能发生的事情。Ruined在这里指的就是很糟糕的意思。(也可以用it sucks来表达一件事情很糟糕)
(2) “It’s the feel-good movie of the year – I found it very touching.”
A “feel-good” movie is one that makes you feel good, obviously! The word touching means that it affected you emotionally in a good way. Another word you can use is heartwarming – it made your heart feel positive emotions.
A “feel-good”movie 很显然就是一部观影感受很好的片子。Touching就是说这个电影在一定在一定程度上触动了你的情感。近义词是heartwarming- 表示某样东西让你会有正面的情绪波动。
(3) “My boyfriend thought it was hilarious, but I thought they went a little overboard with the potty humor.”
The word hilarious means extremely funny. “Potty humor” (also called “toilet humor” or “off-color humor”) is humor that is rather gross or disgusting because it involves sex or bodily functions. The expression “went a little overboard” means “there was a little too much.”
Hilarious是非常搞笑的意思。“Potty humor”(可以称之为“toilet humor”或者“off-color humor”)指的是有一点小恶心和恶俗的幽默,通常会包含性或者生理活动(污力滔滔。“went a little overboard”这个表达指的是某个事情太过了一点。
(4) “To be honest, I liked the remake better than the original – the cast was much stronger.”
老实说,比起原版,我还是比较喜欢这个重制版- 演员整容强大多了。
You can start a phrase with “to be honest” when you want to give your honest opinion. Sometimes filmmakers take a movie from the past and re-create it – the new version is called a remake. The word cast refers to all the actors and actresses who participated in the movie.
用短语“to be honest”来表示你要发表你的真实想法了。有时候制片人讲以前的电影重制---新的版本就称作重制版。Cast指的是电影里参演的所有男女演员。