18. Bullshit
bullshit 废话,胡说,无稽之谈
bullshitter 说谎的人
a bunch of bull 一派胡言
a crock of bull(同上)
shoot the bull 闲聊,漫谈
bullshit artist 吹牛不打草稿的人
(have a)bull session 开吹牛大会,摆龙门阵
money talks,bullshit walks 有钱好办事
Bullshit于1942年始见于英文文献,可以当名词、动词、形容词。当名词时,bullshit 及缩写的 bull 及b.s.指“废话”,“无稽之谈”,“夸大之词”等意;bullshitter指“胡说八道者”。作介词或动词的宾语时,如 a bunch(crock) of bull(一派胡言),shoot the bull (闲聊)。当及物动词时,如 Don’t bullshit me. (别蒙我)。当不及物动词时,如 The pitcher was bullshitting with his catcher.(投手与捕手闲聊)。After bullshitting for an hour,the salesman still couldn’t convince him to buy the new model. (吹了一个小时的牛后,业务员还是不能说服他买新机种)。当形容词时,如 bullshit artist(吹牛不打草稿的人),have a bull session(开吹牛大会)。此外,格言有 Money talks,bullshit walks(有钱好办事)。此字虽在美国已广为使用,但语气粗俗,能免则免。
Bullshit 当名词
1. bullshit 夸大之话,废话
A. “In the cockpit,there’s no such thing as bullshit,” Russell1 says over the engine noise, “When you talk to pilots,it’s another language. There’s no posturing. It’s exactly the opposite of the movie business,where 90 percent of it is bullshit.”
(Entertainment Weekly,6/14/91)
1. Kurt Russell 拉塞尔,为美国当今的硬汉型电影明星。
2. bullshit 拉杂的物品
A. “I1 mean,if I find something that I love to do,like carving fucking eggshells,and I can get money for it,that’s fine. There’s no way I am gonna work at Taco Bell2 to have money to buy bullshit. I’ll get it in the garbage.”
(Esquire 杂志,2/1/94)
1. 本文系一名少女谈论自己未来时的访问摘录。
2. Taco Bell 是美国卖墨西哥式快餐的连锁店。一般美国年轻人多嫌此类工作的待遇微薄,工作既辛苦又无前途。
A. Baby,let me tell you something. You can continue to live in your little fantasy world with your baseball cards and the autographed bullshit or whatever the fuck is it you do,but me, I got to eat and pay the rent.
(Girl 6(1996)影片中的对白)
1. baby,you 都是女孩子对用电话“找乐子”的男客人(male callers using phone sex line services)的称呼。
2. me,I 则系指电话女“服务生”(a girl working as a phone sex provider)的自称。
3. bullshitting 吹牛,夸下海口,讲废话(是动名词或现在分词)
A. Bullshitting is at the heart of all business relationships,being made up of1 several key parts—mutual selling, self-positioning, mirthless kidding, and a commitment to superficiality.
A. As my Haitian neighbors say in describing political bullshitting, “It’s all blah-blah-blah,blah-blah-blah2.”
1. be made up of… 由……所组成。文中用being是省了句子,不用连接词或关系代名词,而变成现在分词短语,省去形容词从句。
2. blah-blah-blah 此为名词,常连环叠用,意为“胡说八道”。
4. b.s. 向……说大话,向……说不实之言
A. The move1 infuriated David Mixner,a longtime Clinton friend and gay activist in Hollywood.“It’s reprehensible and cowardly,” Mixner told Newsweek, “But I won’t b.s. you. It was politically smart2.”
1. the move 指美国总统克林顿一反常态地不支持同性婚姻的做法。平时克林顿对同性恋者表现得很友善。
2. politically smart 政治上的明智。多数美国人反对同性婚姻,米氏认为克林顿此举是为了讨好民意,旨在拉票连任。
5. a bunch of bullshit 一派胡言
A. They claim that they have reliable service,no call interfearances [sic]2, no droped[sic]3 calls. This is just a bunch of bullshit! They simply lie in their ads…
1. 本文主角抱怨在洛杉矶地区内,Sprint公司的多功能数字手机毛病多。(PCS phone—Personal Communication Services 的缩写)
2. interfearances 原文系错字,正确拼法是 interferences (杂音)。[sic]表示原文如此,但有错。
3. droped 也为错字,正确拼法是dropped (断线)。
6. a crock of bull 成堆的废话,一派胡言
A. Where were you last night?
B. I went to the library,then home to study for the finals.
A. What a crock of bull! I saw you at a night club dancing with your girlfriend.
B. So what were you doing there? You have finals,too!
Bullshit 当动词用时——有“闲谈、说谎、骗人,拍马屁”之意;跟随副词 around,有“浪费时间、游手好闲、瞎搞(act aimlessly)”之意
1. bullshit 闲聊,拍马屁
A. Look,he comes in here everyday. We bullshit,and he’s used my bathroom about a thousand times1. If I said no this time he’d know somethin’ was up2。
(From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)影片中的对白)
1. a thousand times 借“一千遍”作“很多次”解。
2. something is (was) up 代名词+be动词+副词短语,只有地点副词、状态及时间副词(up,down,over等)可作主语补足语,因其有形容词功能。up 有时有介词功能,可加宾语。语法学家称其为“介副词”(particle)。例句:The war is over. (战争结束。) Time is up. (时间到了。) The plane is in. (飞机到达。) He is down. (他倒地。)
A. “I don’t bullshit my players, and I don’t bullshit other people,” says one of the few true players’ managers2. “I’m certainly not going to bullshit myself.”
(Esquire 杂志,6/1/97)
1. 本文主角雷郎(Jim Leyland)以前是职业棒球队队员,1997年任佛罗里达州马林鱼职棒队的球员经理。
2. one of the few…managers 在美国职业棒球界中,球员升任球员经理之例不多。
A. I can read the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.
B. You’re not bullshitting me now1,are you?
1. now 此处是副词,表示劝戒(admonition)之意,而非“现在”。其他例如,Now listen up.(注意听着啊!),又如Now you be sure to call. (你一定要打电话来哦!)等。
2. bullshit around 游手好闲
A. Jose Canseco1 wants to be the male Madonna. “Yeah,” he says,“in the sense of treading new areas. Somebody who’s willing to take risks,somebody who isn’t afraid to speak out, somebody who isn’t bullshitting around,somebody with some style.”
(Sports Illustrated,8/20/90)
1. Canseco 康希寇当时为奥克兰运动家职棒队(Oakland Athletics)的主将。
Bullshit 当形容词时——有“荒谬的、编造的”(false)之意
A. Do you want to change your bullshit story,sir?
(The Fugitive(1993)影片中的对白)
A. I did not sign up for this. This is someone else’s bullshit political agenda.
(Clear and Present Danger(1994)影片中的对白)
A. Everyone hates bullshit rules and regulations,but everyone must obey them.
Bullshit 的名词合成语
1. bullshit artist 吹牛不打草稿的人,大忽悠
A. I can converse on any subject without benefit of knowledge or access to facts,putting forth a total picture with enormous conviction so that,at the end of the day2,you will believe I know what I’m talking about and probably want to buy some… I’m determined! I’ll schmooze3 anybody,talk on any dais,make up the whole thing as I go along—and I’ll do it as long as I can get away with it! Because I can!… I’m an enormous bullshit artist.
(Esquire 杂志,7/1/95)
我能无凭无据地谈论任何题目,能蛮有说服力地阐述宏观局面,到打烊时,人家会相信我所说的,也大概会想买些[我兜售的货]……我有坚定的毅力啊! 我可以与任何人闲谈,可在任何讲台上演讲,边说边扯,只要不被识破,我一直都要吹,因为我会吹! ……我是一流的大忽悠。
1. 该刊物专栏作家撰文讽刺工商界吃里扒外、想一步登天的作风。
2. at the end of the day 指工商界的下班时间。
3. schmooze 原系美国犹太人使用的意第绪语(Yiddish),已被英语吸收,意为“闲聊”、“闲谈”(to chat or gossip)。
2. bull session 吹牛大会
A. It1 was a wide-ranging,rough-and-tumble bull session that ended with a shouting match.
(The Washington Times,1/4/98)
1. It 指为庆祝传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)设立二十五周年而开的圆桌会议。
Bullshit 的格言与成语
1. money talks,bullshit walks 有钱好办事
A. During the past few months,there’s been a lot of tall criticizing the university1,claiming that it has sold its soul2,and that of its students,to Madison Avenue3. Pepsi. Nike. Saguaro4 Credit Union. All I have to say to protesters is,quit your whining and deal with it. Like my dad always says,“Money talks,and bullshit walks.” It’s capitalism,baby5,and this little6 country of ours runs on it.
1. 本文摘录自亚利桑那(Arizona)州立大学网报上一位学生的报导。
2. sold its soul 言下之意是学校本以学术研究为宗旨,岂能容许学校及学生接受工商界的资金、捐款,打开学校商业化之门。
3. Madison Avenue 纽约市麦迪生大道,早已成为美国广告界的代名词。
4. Saguaro 大仙人掌,遍布于美国西南部亚利桑那州等地。当地工商界每以此命名行号及产品。
5. baby 自1960年代起流行的昵称,表达(尤其)男性间的友好交情 (a familiar term of address between men in vogue since the 1960s)。
6. little 当形容词,此处仅加强语气(used as an intensifier),不作“小”解。