资料图:Lady Gaga和前男友Luc Carl在泳池戏水消暑 大秀恩爱
Lady Gaga is apparently back with her former flame Luc Carl, after reuniting in NYC last month, but looks like there was a bit of drama involved. Luc, a Big Apple bartender, reportedly got rid of his girlfriend so he could get back with Gaga.
上礼拜狗仔撞见Lady Gaga和前男友Luc Carl在泳池戏水消暑,大秀恩爱,两人之间复合传闻不胫而走,而日前有媒体爆出消息,Luc不惜甩掉正派女友,只为回到Gaga身边,于是乎Gaga便沦为这段三角关系中的小三角色。
The "Alejandro" singer was unaware Luc was dating someone else when she went to see him and the hunk ditched his other love when he knew Gaga was interested in him again.
据称,前段时间当Gaga再次与Luc联系时并不知道对方已经与别人正处于交往当中,而Luc便在第一时间踢走绊脚石,与Lady Gaga重修旧好。