Dream and Poetry梦与诗
Hu Shi胡适
It,s all ordinary experience,都是平常经验,
All ordinary images.都是平常影象,
By chance they emerge in a dream,偶然涌到梦中来,
Turning out infinite new patterns.变幻出多少新奇花样!
It,s all ordinary feelings,都是平常情感,
AH ordinary words.都是平常言语,
By chance they encounter a poet,偶然碰着个诗人,
Turning out infinite new verses.变幻出多少新奇诗句!
Once intoxicated, one learns the strength of wine,醉过才知酒浓,
Once smitten, one learns the power of love;爱过才知情重;
You cannot write my poems ,你不能做我的诗,
Just as I cannot dream your dreams.正如我不能做你的梦。