The New Faces |
新面孔 |
If you, that have grown old, were the first dead, | 若你老了,先我而去, |
Neither catalpa tree nor scented lime | 那么,芬芳的菩提树将不再能听到 |
Should hear my living feet, nor would I tread | 我的有生的脚步,我将不会踏上 |
Where we wrought that shall break the teeth of Time. | 我们工作过的地方,那将折断时间的牙齿。 |
Let the new faces play what tricks they will | 让那些新面孔在旧房间里疯闹吧, |
In the old rooms;night can outbalance day, | 恣意游戏;黑夜比白昼更重, |
Our shadows rove the garden gravel still, | 我们的影子在花园石径上徘徊, |
The living seem more shadowy than they. | 比那些活着的人更具生气。 |