Nvwa (nǚ wā女娃) was the youngest daughter of Yan-Di (yàn dì 炎帝). She was
lovely and vivacious, and liked to adventure. One day, Nvwa walked on the coast
of the East Sea, and she saw the sea was so blue and placid that she wanted to
swim. However, when she swam far from the coast, the sea suddenly became large
waves rolling in immense surges. Nvwa then heard the bluster of the dragonish
Sea-God. Frightened, She tried to return the coast, but her puny body was not
able to resist the strength and power of the billowing waves. Nvwa unfortunately
When Yan-Di heard the miserable news from the servants of Nvwa, he rushed
to the coast of the East Sea. Yan-Di cried the name of his youngest daughter,
and suddenly he saw a little bird fly out the sea. The little bird flew around
Yan-Di, and wailed shrilly with great lament. The bird looked like a crow. Its
head had colorful lines, its beak was white, and its feet were red. Yan-Di felt
the bird was from the soul of Nvwa. He wept bitter tears. However, the bird
suddenly cried “Jingwei”, and flew rapidly to the West Mountain. It took a small
stone from the mountain by its mouth, and then threw the stone into the East
Sea.Ever Since then, the bird would carry small stones in its mouth and throw
them into the East Sea every day. The Sea-God understood the purpose of the
bird. He laughed and said to the bird, “My sea is so vast and deep. You are not
able to fill up it forever!” However, the bird answered, “I will try forever,
and I believe your sea will be filled up in the end.”
Our ancestors saw such a bird throw small stones into the East Sea and
cried “Jingwei”, so they called it “Jingwei”. For thousands of years, the story
of the bird called Jingwei has encouraged people to strive for their ideals
generation after generation.
面上回翔阒,悲鸣着,把石子树枝投下去,想把大海填平。 大海奔腾着,咆哮着,嘲笑她:“小鸟儿,算了吧,你这工作就干一百万年,也休想把我填平!”
精卫填海 【翻译】 Jingwei fills up the sea. It's widely considered as a symbol of dogged determination and perseverance in the face of seemingly impossible odds.