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    Feng Shiuan lived at the home of Meng Chang-jun, prime minister of the state Ch'i during the Warring States Period (zhàn guó 战国).

    One day, Meng Chang-jun sent Feng Shiuan to a place called Shue to collect the rent owed to him by the people there. But Feng Shiuan not only did not collect the rent; he aslo burned all of the contracts. The people of Shue were therefore very grateful to Meng Chang-jun.

    Sometime later, when he was no longer prime minster, Meng Chang-jun went to live in Shue, and was warmly welcomed by all of the people there. However,Feng Shiuan believed that this was not quite enough. So he went and told the king of Wei what a talented person Meng Chang-jun was, and before long Meng Chang-jun was offered a position in the Wei court. On Feng Shiuan's advice, Meng Chang-jun refused the position, but the king of Ch'i afraid that he would accept, then asked Meng Chang-jun, "You now have a choice of three places where you could live. You can fluff up the pillows and have a good rest."

    Thus, "To Fluff Up the Pillows and Have a Good Rest" means to live a happy and worry-free life.

    春秋时代,在齐国有位名叫孟尝君的人,他非常喜欢与文学家还有侠客风范的人交朋友,为了能与他们常讨论国家大事,总喜欢邀请这些人到家中长住。在这些人当 中,有位叫冯谖的人,他常常一住就是住上很长一段时间,但是却什么事都不做,孟尝君虽然觉得很奇怪,但是好客的他还是热情招待冯谖。

    有一次,冯谖替孟尝君到薛地这地方讨债,但是他不但没跟当地百姓要债,反而还把债倦全烧了,薛地人民都以为这是孟尝君的恩德,而心里充满感激。直到后来, 孟尝君被齐王解除相国的职位,前往薛地定居,受到薛地人热烈的欢迎,孟尝君才知道冯谖的才能。一直到这时候,不多话的冯谖才对孟尝君说:“通常聪明的兔子 都有三个洞穴,才能在紧急的时候逃过猎人的追捕,而免除一死。但是你却只有一个藏身之处,所以你还不能把枕头垫得高高地睡觉,我愿意再为你安排另外两个可 以安心的藏身之处。”于是冯谖去见梁惠王,他告诉梁惠王说,如果梁惠王能请到孟尝君帮他治理国家,那么梁国一定能够变得更强盛。于是梁惠王派人邀请孟尝君 到梁国,准备让他担任治理国家的重要官职。可是,梁国的使者一连来了三次,冯谖都叫孟尝君不要答应。梁国派人请孟尝君去治理梁国的消息传到齐王那里,齐王 一急,就赶紧派人请孟尝君回齐国当相国。冯谖要孟尝君向齐王提出希望能够拥有齐国祖传祭器的要求,并且将它们放在薛地,,同时兴建一座祠庙,以确保薛地的 安全。祠庙建好后,冯谖对孟尝君说:“现在属于你的三个安身之地都建造好了,从此以后你就可以垫高枕头,安心地睡大觉了。”

    高枕无忧 【翻译】To Fluff Up the Pillow And Have a Good Rest.

      上一篇:用英语说成语:功亏一篑(双语) 下一篇:用英语说成语:高山流水(双语)


