Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out
Guan Moye, better known by the pen name Mo Yan, is a Chinese novelist and short story writer. In 2012, Mo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work as a writer "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".
Extremely prolific, Mo Yan wrote Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out in only 42 days. The book is a historical fiction depicting China's development during the latter half of the 20th century. The protagonist Ximen Nao is a rich landlord who is executed and reincarnated as various animals during the land reform movement. The transformation of rural China is observed and experienced through his eyes, or specifically, through various animals' eyes.
Although its narrative style is sometimes difficult to follow, I still like this fantastic book.
pen name 笔名
novelist 小说家
short story 短篇小说
award 授予
Nobel Prize in Literature 诺贝尔文学奖
hallucinatory 如梦似幻的
realism 现实主义
merge 融合
folk tale 民间故事
contemporary 现代的
prolific 多产的
historical 历史题材的
fiction 小说
depict 描写
development 发展
latter 后面的
protagonist 主人公
landlord 地主
execute 处死
reincarnate 投胎,转世
land reform movement 土地改革运动
transformation 变革
rural 农村的
observe 观察
narrative style 叙事风格
fantastic 奇妙的
1 He devoted himself to literature and wrote several science fiction novels, which gained him the name-Father of Modern Science Fiction.
2 From this story, we can see the author's deep love for the sea, travel and adventure, which played a vital role in his life.
3 We are also astonished and amazed by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge.