考研满分作文 | 人生哲理类:体育精神
教程:考研英语作文  浏览:1037  
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         As is shown in the drawing above, there are five Olympic rings which represent the five continents on Earth: Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Oceania. The caption indicates: "Sportsmanship".
         Enthusiasm for sports is of tremendous benefit to young people and should be promoted as an integral part of their education. The main reason for promoting sportsmanship among adolescents is to encourage them to lead a sporting lifestyle which focuses more on cooperation than competition. Schools should foster children's interest in sports to instill into them the values of teamwork and sportsmanship. Enthusiasm for sports in general, whether individual or team-based, can teach young people how to be sportsmanlike in competitive circumstances, including playing by the rules and being humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
         Sportsmanship affects us not only in our athletic and sporting life but in our personal and business lives. It is better to be remembered as a gracious loser than as an arrogant winner.




         five Olympic rings 奥运五环
         represent 代表
         continent 大洲
         Asia 亚洲
         Africa 非洲
         Europe 欧洲
         America 美洲
         Oceania 大洋洲
         caption 说明文字
         indicate 显示
         sportsmanship 体育精神
         enthusiasm 热情
         tremendous 极大的
         promote 鼓励;提倡
         integral 构成整体所必需的
         adolescent 青少年
         sporting 体育运动的
         competition 竞争
         foster 培养
         instill 逐渐灌输
         values 价值观;行为准则
         in general 总的来说
         individual 个人的
         team-based 团队的
         sportsmanlike 有体育精神的
         circumstance 情形,情况
         humble 谦虚的
         victory 胜利
         gracious 落落大方的,礼貌的
         defeat 失败
         affect 影响
         athletic 运动的
         personal 个人的
         arrogant 傲慢的


    1 Although physical education is a part of adolescent education, many students go through their formative years without developing a lasting interest in sports.
    2 The final reason for promoting enthusiasm for sports in children is to enhance their sense of national pride.
    3 Children who develop a strong sense of national pride will be more willing to serve our society and country when they grow up.

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