考研满分作文 | 社会热点类:社会公德
教程:考研英语作文  浏览:840  
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         A walking stick lying beside him, an old man is lying on the ground, with a great many passersby unwilling to help him. Some people are thinking, "Will he accuse me of being the perpetrator?" while others are thinking, "If I help him up, I will suffer because of it."
         In the past, people tended to give a helping hand to people in need. With the rapid development of the economy and society public morality has declined to an extent. More and more people are becoming indifferent or scared to help people in trouble. Some people are afraid of doing good, worried that their good intentions may be seen as having bad ulterior motives. They worry that helping others may cause them serious consequences. And, of course, there are always some people who will pretend to be injured in order to con you out of money. However, this should not stop us from being good Samaritans. We would become a poor society if we neglected to help others in their hour of need.
         To sum up, we should be ready to help others even though sometimes it might cause us problems. When it comes to strangers, we should still offer what we can though we should be aware of being taken advantage of.




         walking stick 手杖,拐杖
         beside 在......的旁边
         passerby 路人
         unwilling 不愿意的
         perpetrator 肇事者
         suffer 吃苦头
         public morality 公共道德
         decline 下降
         indifferent 漠不关心的
         scared 害怕的
         intention 意图
         ulterior 别有用心的
         motive 动机
         pretend 假装
         injured 受伤的
         con 骗,诈骗
         to sum up 总之
         stranger 陌生人
         aware of 觉察到,意识到


     Admittedly, professional cheats tend to take advantage of people who are helpful and warm-hearted.

      上一篇:考研满分作文 | 人生哲理类:体育精神 下一篇:考研满分作文 | 社会热点类:心理健康

