考研满分作文 | 社会热点类:公务员热
教程:考研英语作文  浏览:689  
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         The increasing pressure of hunting for jobs has brought a great number of university graduates to take the Civil Service Exams. As is shown in the drawing, a good many people are scrambling for a golden rice bowl engraved with the words "Civil Servant".
         With jobs becoming scarcer for graduates, those available jobs that have long-term security, high social status and good fringe benefits like government posts are seeing increased applications. While this means that government employers can choose from a wider and better gene pool, it means greater competition for graduates. There will always be greater competition for the best jobs and rightly so. Perhaps one way to deal with this is for the civil service to offer limited term contracts such as for three years. This would certainly make the job of civil servant seem less attractive to graduates.
         Good jobs will always attract good applicants and the craze for civil servant jobs is because they offer job stability, high social status and good perks. By making these jobs less secure is one way to reduce applicants, as is guiding graduates to other available job opportunities.




         pressure 压力
         hunt for jobs 找工作,求职
         take 参加(考试)
         golden rice bowl 金饭碗
         civil servant 公务员
         scarce 缺乏的,不足的
         available 可获得的
         security 保障
         social status 社会地位
         post 职位
         limited term contract有限期的合同
         stability 稳定性
         secure 稳定的


    1 The craze for government posts has become a phenomenon that cannot be ignored, and has stirred a heated debate.
    2 Some people equate becoming a civil servant with success.

      上一篇:考研满分作文 | 社会热点类:跳槽 下一篇:考研满分作文 | 环境保护类:能源危机

