A: 你最近听说比尔盖茨和沃伦巴菲特的事儿了吗?他们为自己的慈善基金会捐赠了数百万美元。
A: Did you read the recent story about Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet, giving millions of dollars to the charity foundations the set up?
B: 我倒是读到了比尔盖茨和他的妻子的报道,是关于他们如何帮助非洲人民的。但是沃伦巴菲特是谁?
B: I did read the story about Bill Gates and his wife, and how they are going to help the people of Africa, but, who is Warren Buffet?
A: 他是美国的一位亿万富翁,专门从事投资挣钱的。
A: He's an American billionaire whos made his money from investing.
B: 他们用钱来帮助别人是件好事啊.毕竟,这数亿美元除了钱生钱,还能干嘛呢?
B: Well, it's good thing they're using their money to help other people. After all, what can you really do with billions of dollars except to make more money?
A: 你觉得是什么动机让人们大发善心的?
A: What do you think motivates people to be charitable?
B: 我觉得这是因人而异的。人们往往都会有帮助他人的愿望,有时是出于感激之情,而有时则完全是为了在奉献中获得乐趣,是乐于奉献!
B: I suppose, that depends on the individual. Often, it's just the desire to help others, sometimes it's an act of gratitude and, sometimes, it's just for the pleasure of giving.
A: 我曾经看过一篇关于梁文冲的报道,他把自己的15万元奖金都捐赠出来,用于培养中国的年轻高尔夫球手。
A: I saw that story about Liang Wenchong, who gave his 150,000 yuan winner's prize, to help develop young golfers in China.
B: 这可真是慷慨之举。估计没有多少人会了一那样做的。
B: That was a really generous gesture. There wouldn't be too many people who would do that sort of thing.
A: 这个我可不敢说,你想想那些主动帮助他人的志愿者,尽管他们没有什么钱,但仍然可以帮助很多人。
A: I don't konw. Think about all the people who volunteer to help others. They may not have much money to give but, they can still help a lot of people.
B: 人们常说:给予比索取更好。你觉得对吗?
B: It's often said that, it's better to give than to receive. Do you think that's true?
A: 这就有这么个问题:在你有能力给予他人之前,你是怎样获得的呢?
A: That begs the question; how do you get in the first place before you can give?
B: 确实是个问题。我还真没想过。
B: Well, that's a thing. I hadn't thought of that.
A: 我还听过另外一种说法,就是说“要是你连自己都照顾不好,又有什么权利去照顾他人呢?”
A: There is another saying I have heard; to quote, "If you can't look after youself, what right have you to look after anyone else?"
B: 我觉得你对的。让瞎子给瞎子指路,简直是无稽之谈。
B: I guess that's right. There's no point in the blind leading the blind.
A: 除此之外,很多人都有自己的自尊心,他们不愿意接受别人的帮助。
A: Apart from that, a lot of people have their pride and they resent being offered charity.
B: 这么做有一定的道理。如果照顾的人就你自己一人,而且你对自己的谋生能力有足够的信心,那么你就自力更生吧。
B: That may be alright, up to a point but, If it's only yourself you have to worry about and, you still have enough belief in your ability to survive then, go for it.
A: 但是如果你还得供养他人,那你就必须面对现实,不要因为你自尊心而拒绝别人伸出的援助之手。
A: If others depend on you then, sometimes, you have to face reality and not let your pride get in the way of accepting a helping hand when it is Offered.