教程:锐意英语口语资料库  浏览:950  
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    A: 为什么找一份好工作以及开创自己的事业就这么困难啊?
    A: Why is it so hard to find a good job and have the sort of career I need?

    B: 我不知道!说吧,你想做什么?
    B: I don't know! You tell me! What is it that you want to do?

    A: 我想要一份收入好,又有趣的管理工作。
    A: I want a good job as a manager that pays well and is interesting.

    B: 那你想要管理什么呢?看来你始终没认真考虑过这个问题。
    B: But, a manager of what? You don't sound as though you have thought this through very well.

    A: 你是什么意思?我自从进入大学以来一直在考虑这个问题。
    A: What do you mean? I've been thinking about it ever since I got into University.

    B: 噢!问题可能就出在这儿了。你一直在“考虑”,但是你有“计划”吗?你打算如何实现?
    B: Ahhh! That might be the problem. You've been thinking about it but, have you been planning how you intend to get there?

    A: 有的啊,我已经做好简历,还去过几次招聘会了。
    A: Yes. I've written my resume and I've been to several of those job seminars.

    B: 那么你对哪类工作感兴趣呢?你大学主修什么?
    B: So, what sort of work are you interested in? What are you majoring in at university?

    A: 我现在学的是商业,毕业后想做市场营销类工作。
    A: I;m doing Commerce and want to get into marketing.

    B: 好,这只是初步打算。你具体想从事什么类型的市场营销呢?
    B: OK. There's a start. What sort of maketing do you want to get into?

    A: 我不知道。只要待遇好,做什么都行!
    A: I don't know. Anything that pays well!

    B: 唉,我看你选择职业的态度有些问题。在选择职业时,你首先需要明确,重要的是你的工作兴趣到底是在哪儿,报酬应该是你最后才考虑的。
    B: Well, it sounds to me that you have an attitude problem right there. You need a clear idea of, exactly, where your job interests lie and, money should be your last consideration.

    A: 但是,工资待遇很重要啊。
    A: But, it's important that I get well paid for the work I do.

    B: 嘿!先别急。首先你要搞清楚的是,你喜欢从事市场营销的那部分工作。其次,你必须明白你将来从最基本的工作开始干起。
    B: Hey! Hang on a minute. First you need to work out what part of the Marketing industry you like then, you have to realise you will be starting at the bottom.

    A: 可是我又本科学位啊,不应该非得从基层干起啊。
    A: But, I'll have a university degree so; I won't have to start an the bottom.

    B: 我这话你恐怕不爱听,但你要知道,你的学位只不过像一张门票,它只是可以让你进入大门而已,如果想真正入行,你还的学习!
    B: I'm afraid you are in for bit of a rude shock. Your degree is like a ticket that may get you through the front door but, you need a lot more befor you can join the party.

    A: 我还需要学习什么?既然我已经取得了一个好的本科学位,为什么还不够呢?
    A: How much more do I need? If I get a good degree, why isn't it enough?

    B: 你知道有多少人打算应聘你想要的职位吗?
    B: How many people do you think are going to be applying for the job you want?

    A: 嗯,很多,我想。
    A: Well, a lot, I suppose.

    B: 那么,你真的认真想过吗?你分析过自己的优势和劣势了吗?你想好了如何展示你的能力了吗?
    B: So, have you really thought it throught? Have you made a list of your strengths and your weaknesses; have you worked out how you are going to sell your abilities?

    A: 不,没有。
    A: No. Not really.

    B: 嗯,你应该相信我,这就是游戏规则。你要学会“推销自己”,比如推销你的思想,推销你的能力,说服别人相信你是这个工作的最佳人选,这就是何谓“推销自己”。
    B: Well, believe me; that's the name of the game. Selling your ideas, selling your ability, convincing someone you are the best choice for the job; that's what selling's all about.

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