A: 毫无疑问,道德问题应该是人类面临的最复杂的问题。
A: Threr is no doubt that , the question of ethics is one of the most complex which man can face .
B: 要是现在还有人能真正讲道德的话,或许它是吧。
B: If he faces it at all , that is .
A: 你这说的有道理,你看现在很多人,对自己的行为,为了避免责任,真可谓不择手段,想尽办法。
A: Well , you could be right . Fat too many people go out of their way to avoid the ethical consequences of their actions
B: 那我问你,你对道德是怎么理解的?
B: So , what's your interpretation of ethics ?
A: 对我来说,判断某个行为是否道德,其实最终都归结为人们对于对与错的不同理解。
A: To me , the root of all ethical behaviour lies in understanding the differences between right and wrong .
B: 你是说人们的正直?
B: By that , you mean a person's honesty ?
A: 没错。真是一个人最核心的品质。
A: Yes , that's right , Honesty goes to the core of one's chatacter .
B: 但是,为什么有那么多人弄不清楚对于错呢?
B: But , why is right and wrong such a problem for so many people ?
A: 这是因为我们每个人都有自己的认证哲学,并且都按照自己的人生哲学来生活,这一点不论我们意识到与否,或相信与否,都是客观存在的。
A: Well , whether we know it or not ; whether we believe it or not ; every one of us lives our life according to a philosophy .
B: 从对于错这个角度来讲,你这句话是什么意思呢?
B: So , what does that mean in terms of right or wrong ?
A: 譬如说吧,要是你面临的是生存问题,那么你的偷窃行为就很容易被认为是正当合理的,因为那是你获得生活的唯一途径。
A: Well , if your problem is survival , then it is easy to justify your actions for stealing , on the basis , it's the only way you can get what you need to live .
B: 但偷窃是不对的。
B: But stealing is wrong .
A: 对你来说也许是不对的。因为你有正当的工作,你可以用钱买你所需要的东西。但是如果你的情况变了呢?
A: To you , it might be . You have a job and you can buy all the things you need . What if your circumstances were different ?
B: 那我也不会去偷窃,那是不对的。
B: I still wouldn't steal . It's just not right .
A: 你看,你就和那些小偷的人生哲学不同。你的想法不同是因为你所处的环境与他们不同。
A: There you are . You have a different philosophy to that other guy . You think differently because of your circumstances .
B: 你是说,如果你觉得偷窃是可以接受的,那么就去偷?
B: So , what you are saying is that it's OK to steal if you think it is ?
A: 不,我没有那么说。我的意思是,那些穷困的人们并不认为偷窃是错误的。他们甚至并不把这种行为和对于错相联系。对他们来说,那是必须的。
A: No . I'm not saying that . What I am saying is that the destitute guy doesn't see it as wrong . He probably doesn't even see it in terms of right and wrong . To him , it's a necessity .
B: 但并不能因此就说偷窃行为是正确的。
B: But , that doesn't make it right .
A: 按照人们普遍接受的社会行为准则,这是不对的,但有些人的生活并不依赖于这些行为准则。
A: No it doesn't , by accepted standards of society . But , some people don't live by those standards .
B: 哪由什么来决定对错呢?
B: So , what determines right and wrong ?
A: 衷正式我们所面临的困境。对于对与错的判断依赖于文化背景,宗教信仰,生活环境以及人的本性。
A: That , unfortunately , is the quandary that faces all mankind . It depends on culture , it depends on religion , it depends on survival and , it depends on human nature .
B: 那人们怎么才能知道对于错的区别呢?
B: So , how is anyone to know the difference between right and wrong ?
A: 我想最简单的答案就是,你希望别人怎么对待你,你就是怎样对待别人。
A: I guess the simplest answer is , to treat your fellow man the way you would like to be treated yourself .