A: 我看过一本叫《艺术的极致》的书,里面都是些经典文章,其中有一篇叫《让人类天性见鬼去吧》
A: I once read a book called, "The Limits of Atr" which contained great pieces of literature written over the ages. One inclusion was the quote, "Damn human nature."
B: 那篇文章讲什么了?在将艺术极致这么一本书里出现这样的一篇文章,很是奇怪啊。
B: Was that all it said? That's unusual to have something like that in a book about the limits of atr.
A: 我当时也这么想的。但这句话我永远也不会忘记,尤其是当你思考它的时候,就会发现这句话道理很深刻。
A: That's what I thought at the time but, it's also something I've never forgotten. When you think about it, it's a pretty profound statement.
B: 没错!人性是一切人类关系的根源。甚至我认为,只要你接着往下想,人性可以说是一切的根源。
B: Yes! You're right. Human nature goes to the root of every relationship and, I suppose when you think about it a bit more, it goes to the root of, just about, everything else.
A: 是的!任何人之间的关系太复杂多变,有时高尚美好,有时骇人听闻。
A: That's right. Relationships between people are so complex, so variable, that they can range from the sublime to the horrendous.
B: 一个人应该怎么处理人际关系?有没有诀窍?
B: How does one deal with relationships? Is there a key?
A: 问得好。我有一个朋友,在得了心脏病后,决定去世界旅行。他说这是为了寻找人生的意义。
A: A good question. I had a friend who travelled the world after his heart attack. He said he was looking for the meaning to his life.
B: 那他找到了吗?
B: And, did he find it?
A: 经过多年的寻找和思索后,他发现,与人相处最重要的是,你需要对他们抱有一种“好感”,不管你们是什么关系。
A: What he found, after all his years of search, and meditation, was that, when dealing with people, whatever the relationship, you need to have "a nice feeling" about them.
B: 就这些吗?这就是他寻找到的答案?
B: Is that all? Is that the sum total of all his searching?
A: 差不多是这样吧。这是他最好的表述了。如果你对某人不报忧所谓的“好感”,那你可以尽量礼貌相待,尽管你知道你们知趣不投。
A: Pretty much. It was the best way he could describe it to me. If you don't have that "nice feeling" about someone, be polite but, realise, you are not on the same wavelength.
B: 这个也太简单了不是吗?
B: That's rather simplistic isn't it?
A: 也许吧!不要忘记了,很多问题的答案其实很简单,只不过我们把简单的问题复杂化了。
A: Maybe! There again, so many answers to our problems, ofren have simple solutions which, we humans, smother in unneccessary complications.
B: 太好了!我猜想这种“好感”关系可能类似于一见钟情。
B: How true! I suppose a "nice feeling" could be related to love at first sight?
A: 我想可以这么说,关键是,与人初始,第一印象很重要。如果第一印象非常“好”,那么往后就很有可能继续维持良好的关系。
A: I guess you could say that. The point is, first impressions count whenever we meet anyone and, if those impressions are "nice" then, an ongoing relationship stands a chance.
B: 换句话说,如果我们对某人的第一印象不好,那很可能我们就不会和对方建立良好的关系。
B: In other words, if we don't like someone when we first meet them we, probably wouldn't have a good relationship with them.
A: 没错!不过,俗话说,“普遍规律总有漏洞——此话亦如此”,例外还是有的。
A: Exactly. However, as they say, "All generalizations are false including this one;" there will always be exceptions.
B: 你是说,关系可以随着时间改变?
B: You are saying, relationships can change over time?
A: 当然可以,并且事实如此。我们并不认真的十分了解另一个人,甚至真正了解自己的人也不多。
A: They can and they do. I don't think we ever really, really, know someone else. For that matter, few of us ever really know ourselves.
B: 天啊,这么一点小关系也能这么复杂?让人类天性见鬼去吧.
B: Boy! What a kind of worms relations can be! "Damn human nature."