Where did you go to college? 你念什么大学?
What did you major in? 你主修什么?
You sound very studious. 听起来你是个很用功的学生。
You can make up for it! 你现在可以好好……弥补一下!
Jay: Where did you go to college?
Catherine: Shi Da.
Jay: Oh, I heard that is an excellent school. What did
you major in?
Catherine: Eh... I was an English major...
Jay: Oh! No wonder you speak English so fluently.
You must have spent some time studying abroad
from every part came here, they naturally brought
with them their home cuisines. as well.
Catherine: Yes, I studied in England for the better part of a
Jay: Wow, you sound very studious...I, on the other
hand, was a bit of a slacker in college.
Catherine: Well, you can make up for it now studying
杰: 你念什么大学?
凯瑟琳: 师大。
杰: 喔,我听说那是所很棒的学校。你主修什么?
凯瑟琳: 这个……我主修英文……
杰: 喔!难怪你的英文说得那么好。你一定也在国外念过书
cuisine for sure depth
凯瑟琳: 是啊,我曾在英国念了大约一年的书。
though diverse naturally
杰: 哇,听起来你是个很用功的学生。像我嘛,大学的时候就
凯瑟琳: 这样啊,那你现在可以好好学中文弥补一下啊!
1. 你一定也出国留学过吧!
You must have spent some time studying abroad as well.
You must have spent some time to study abroad as well.“ spend”后面的动词必须以动名词的形式出现。