a ton of work
What would you really like to do? 你想要做什么呢?
Why don't you follow it?
That's pretty shallow; ... 这样想太肤浅了,……
cuisine for sure depth
You should follow your dreams at all costs!though你应该不计一切代价追随自己的梦想才对! diverse naturally
overflowing Look who's talking!
Jay: Hi, Catherine. Congratulations on getting your
master's last month.
Catherine: Oh thanks, it was a ton of work.
Jay: So, what are your plans now?
Catherine: Well, I'm gonna check out the job market, I guess.
Jay: Doesn't sound too exciting...what would you
really like to do?
Catherine: Well, ever since high school, I've dreamt of
becoming a model.
Jay: Why don't you follow it?
Catherine: Eh...my parents would never allow it, and
besides, I don't think I have what it takes.
Jay: But, you never know until you try!
Catherine: That's true, what about you, any big dreams?
Jay: Since I was in high school, I've always wanted to
open up my own book store; unfortunately there
isn't much money in it.
Catherine: That's pretty shallow; money shouldn't be your
? rst concern, you should follow your dreams at all costs!
Jay: Hey! Look who's talking!
杰: 嗨,凯瑟琳,恭喜你上个月拿到了硕士学位。
凯瑟琳: 喔,谢谢,这真是个艰辛的过程啊。
杰: 那么,你现在有什么打算呢?
凯瑟琳: 嗯,我想我会进入职场工作吧。
杰: 听起来不太刺激……那你想要做什么呢?
with them their home cuisines.
凯瑟琳: 这个嘛,从我高中开始,我就一直梦想能成为一个模特儿。
杰: 那为什么没有往这方向发展呢?
凯瑟琳: 嗯……我父母不会允许的,况且我也不认为我有那个条件。
杰: 但是你没试过怎么知道行不行!
凯瑟琳: 没错啊。那你呢?有什么梦想吗?
杰: 从我高中的时候开始,就一直想要自己开一家书店,不过
凯瑟琳: 这样想太肤浅了,钱财不应该是你的第一考量,你应该不
杰: 嘿!这句话应该是我说才对吧!
1. 从高中开始我就梦想成为一个模特儿。
Ever since high school, I've dreamt of becoming a model.
Ever since high school, I've dreamed of becoming a model.
2. 恭喜你上个月拿到了硕士学位。
Congratulations on getting your master's last month.
Congratulations you getting your master's last month.