电影《姐姐的守护者》改编自朱迪·皮考特(Jodi Picoult)的同名畅销小说,由好莱坞明星卡梅隆·迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz)和"阳光小美女"阿比盖尔·布雷斯林(Abigail Breslin)主演。该片采用现实与回忆相互交错的表现手法,带观众走进一个特殊的白血病患者家庭,经历故事始末,感悟伦理悲欢。虽然这部电影对原著的结局做了很大的改编,但它却用同样动人的方式诠释了"生命与爱"的主题。
Anna: When I was a kid, my mother told me that I was a little piece of blue sky that came into this world because she and Dad loved me so much. It was only later that I realized that it wasn't exactly true. I was engineered (用遗传工程学的方式生产), born for a particular reason. A scientist hooked up〔7〕 my mother's eggs (卵子) and my father's sperm (精子) to make a specific combination of genes. He did it to save my sister's life.
Brian: Everyone be quiet. We said she gets the table〔8〕; she gets the table. Go ahead.
Anna: Remember how the doctor said if I did the operation, I would have to be careful for the rest of my life? But I don't want to be careful. Who wants to live like that?
Sara: Anna, listen ...
Anna: I'm important too, Mom. I'm important too!
Brian: Having a child who is sick is a full-time occupation. Sure, we still enjoy the usual day-to-day happinesses of family life-big house, great kids, beautiful wife. But beneath the exterior (外表), there are cracks (裂痕), resentments (怨恨), alliances that threaten the very foundation of our lives. As at any moment, our whole world could come tumbling down (倒塌) .
Campbell: Mrs. Fitzgerald, looking back and only taking into account (考虑到) Anna's well-being (健康), do you think it's reasonable to conclude that you might have taken this too far (做得太过火)?
Sara: Looking at only Anna's situation. Yes, it is. But I have to think about my entire family.
Campbell: But Kate comes first?
Sara: Kate's the sick one.
Campbell: So this is a triage〔9〕 situation. Compromising (损害) one child's health on behalf of (为了......) the other.
Sara: Mm-hmm.
Campbell: So where's the line〔10〕?
Sara: For Kate, it's life or death.
Campbell: Not for Kate-for Anna. Remember, she's why we're here.
Sara: That's a trick question〔11〕. Because Anna isn't the only person in this equation (关系状态). And if we were looking at it only from Anna's situation, sure, it is brutal. I mean, who wants to be stuck and poked (戳) and prodded (刺) by needles? And you can look at me and you can say how awful I am for doing that to my child. You know what? It is awful. But it's not as awful as putting your child in the ground (埋葬自己的孩子).
Campbell: So you stand up for (支持) your family.
Sara: It's my job.
Campbell: And you stand up for Kate.
Sara: I do.
Campbell: But the real question is: Who stands up for Anna?
接下来,Sara作为自己的辩护律师向Anna发问:"You love your sister, right? You know she's sick. Why won't you help her?"Anna矢口否认自己拒绝捐肾是出于其他动机,一口咬定是自己不想再做姐姐的"器官库"了。Sara近乎歇斯底里地逼迫Anna说出隐情,而Anna的冷酷让她的脸上流露出绝望和痛楚。就在这时,Jesse从听众席中站了出来。
Jesse: Kate wants to die!
Anna: Stop it!
Jesse: She's making Anna do all this because she knows she's not gonna survive that operation.
Sara: That's a lie, Jesse!
Jesse: Oh, no, it's not! Kate's dying and everybody knows it. You just love her so much that you don't want to let her go. But it's time, Mom. Kate's ready.
Sara: That's not true. Kate would have told me.
Jesse: Mom, she did tell you.
Brian: She did. She told you a million times. You didn't wanna hear it.
原来,Anna一直都是爱着姐姐的,她只不过用一种特殊的方式"帮"了Kate。电影镜头切换到Anna去找律师之前的一天--不堪忍受病痛折磨的Kate请求Anna帮她一个忙,她说:"I need you to do me a favor, sissy (妹妹) . You can release me."然后,镜头又把我们带到洒满阳光的草地上,Kate坐在野餐布上满怀怜爱地给Anna梳理着头发。
Anna: Mom and Dad are gonna kill me. What am I supposed to tell them?
Kate: Tell them you're important too. Tell them you wanna play soccer. Tell them you wanna cheerlead (领头喝彩欢呼).
Anna: They'll never believe me.
Kate: Yeah, they will. And you wanna know why? Because it's the truth.
妈妈Sara把Kate视为自己全部的生活重心。Kate生病后,她不惜辞掉律师工作,当起了家庭主妇,全力照顾Kate --cooking and cleaning, everything steamed, organic and germ-free;为了驱走化疗脱发给Kate带来的自卑,她毅然剃光自己的秀发,和Kate一样顶个大光头在游乐场里戏耍......
Kate: I'm sorry, Jesse. I'm sorry I took all the attention when you were the one who needed it the most. Dad, I know I took your first love from you. I only hope that one day you get her back. Mom, you gave up everything for me-your work, your marriage, your entire life ... just to fight my battles for me every single day. I'm sorry you couldn't win. And to my baby sis, who was always so very little, I'm sorry I let them hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't take care of you. It was supposed to be the other way around (与之相反).
Kate还在化疗期间结识了她的初恋--同样患有白血病的Taylor。他们惺惺相惜的爱情虽然短暂却绚烂无比,那是Kate饱经病痛的青春中最为美妙的回忆。Taylor 告诉Kate: If I didn't have cancer, I never would have found you. I'm glad I'm sick. Taylor离世后,对于死亡,Kate的态度出奇地平和。当Anna问起她"Where do you go?"时,Kate回答说:"I don't know, baby. But who knows? Wherever it is, maybe I'll run into Taylor."
Kate: It was a good one, wasn't it?
Sara: The best.
Kate: Remember that summer when I went away to camp? And I was so scared that I'd miss you guys.
Sara: Yeah.
Kate: Before I got on the bus, you told me to take a seat on the left side, right next to the window, so I'd be able to look back and see you there.
Sara: I remember.
Kate: I get the same seat now.
妈妈抽泣起来,她终于放弃了自己的坚持,孩子一般蜷缩在女儿的怀里。那一晚,母女二人相拥而眠。Kate依然是那么懂事,她不忍妈妈眼睁睁地看着自己死去,所以她选择在妈妈的睡梦中离开。Anna说,姐姐变成了"a little piece of blue sky"。
Campbell律师带来了Anna胜诉的消息。Anna谢过Campbell的帮助,眼神中却满是落寞。我们无从揣测 Anna此刻的心情,她是为自己没有拯救姐姐而后悔,还是在慨叹命运对姐姐的不公?
Anna: I'll never understand why Kate had to die and we all got to live. There's no reason for it, I guess. Death's just death; nobody understands it. Once upon a time, I thought I was put on Earth to save my sister. And in the end, I couldn't do it. I realize now that wasn't the point. The point was I had a sister. She was fantastic. One day, I'm sure I'll see her again. But until then, our relationship continues.