Wimpy是俚语,意为"哭哭啼啼的;软弱畏缩的",所以wimpy kid在汉语中就有一个十分恰当的对应词:小屁孩。在人们的既定印象中,小屁孩是"幼稚"的代名词,那么小屁孩日记里所叙述的故事,理所应当就是"幼稚""荒谬"且"无聊"的。然而,电影《小屁孩日记》(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)完全颠覆了这一观点。这部电影改编自美国作家Jeff Kinney的同名畅销书,书中连环画的形式被巧妙地转移到电影中,令影片具有了独特的吸引力。而小屁孩幽默机智的语言以及故事中蕴含的成长寓言,不仅吸引了全世界无数的小屁孩,也感动了无数早已不再是小屁孩的成年人。这样一个wimpy kid究竟魅力何在?
Greg: Let me just say for the record (以供备案) that I think middle school may be the dumbest (最愚蠢的) idea ever invented. You got kids like me who haven't hit their growth spurt (青春期时身体的快速发育) yet mixed in with gorillas (如大猩猩般丑陋的人) who have to shave twice a day.
在Greg看来,身体的各种变化如长高、变得强壮等都不算什么,能否受到老师的认可和同学们的欢迎才是真正考验一个学生的决定性因素。英俊又自信的"小大人儿"Greg坚信自己很快便会成为"popularity rank(人气排行榜)"前三甲的明星之一,但开学的第一天,理想与现实的巨大差距就给他上了一课:他受到了大家的冷落。毕竟,谁会围着一个刚入学的小屁孩转呢?
Angie: This place is an intellectual (知识分子) wasteland. But, you know, it's nice to meet someone more interested in his mind than in his body.
Rowley: You girls get to jump rope (跳绳). Why are you doing hiding?
Angie: Avoiding the pain. It all starts in middle school, you know? You are not a kid anymore. The coddling (溺爱) has stopped. Kids are now separated by intelligence. The weak are picked on (作弄). And girls you've known since kindergarten won't even talk to you anymore.
Greg: OK. Well, sounds like you got it all figured out, so go back to your book.
Angie: [不理他,继续说] This place is a glorified (被颂扬的) holding pen (围栏). It's where adults put you as you make that awkward (难对付的) transition between child and teenager, so they don't even have to look at you.
Greg: I can't be the guy who eats off his lap in the cafeteria. I should be at the top of the food chain by now. Something's got to change, fast.
Rowley: My mom told me to just be myself and people would like me.
Greg: That would be good advice if you were somebody else.
话虽如此,但其实Greg和Rowley在内心深处都不仅仅只是想"做自己"而已,他们希望有朝一日能成为闪亮的"班级之星"。因此选择社团活动时,Greg一口回绝了Angie代表校刊向他抛出的橄榄枝,转而投身更酷、更能吸引同学们目光的摔跤俱乐部。Greg甚至认为,和Angie这样特立独行的女孩混在一起无异于"social suicide"(编者注:社交自杀,指躲开人群,避免社交活动,类似我们所说的避世)。
Greg: And I need something to make me a class favorite.
Angie: [突然插话] What about class favorites?
Greg: Don't you ever say"Hi!" or "Hello!" before you start talking?
Rowley: Hi. Angie: Hello.
Rowley: Oh, Greg's only here because he really wants something (大人物)....
Greg: [紧张地大笑,不让Rowley说完] Rowley! I was just saying that I would really like to nail (揭穿) these people because it's so obvious that they're only doing these activities to get in the yearbook.
Angie: You know, I like your point of view. You should sign up for the school paper. We are the voice of the people. Well, the people are mostly idiots, so I guess, technically speaking, we're the voice of the people, making fun of the people.
Greg: Thanks, but I can't be on the paper because I'm gonna be in the paper a lot. So that would be a conflict of interest (利益冲突).
Angie: You are the people. Got it.
Rowley 变身人气王
万圣节到了,Greg与Rowley合计着一起去小镇北边要糖果和零食。路上,Rowley遭到街头小混混的欺负,Greg挺身相助,不料却引来更多本地不良少年的围追堵截。慌乱逃跑中,他们穿越了传说中会吞噬小孩子的The Devil Worshiper Woods(敬魔者森林)。幸运的是,他们非但没被吃掉,还意外收获了糖果,满载而归。
这次成功的冒险为Greg找回了久违的自信。万圣节假期结束返校后,他热情满满地"忽悠"Rowley和自己一起加入学校的Safety Patrol(安全协管员)。
Greg: Now that's what I'm talking about. Safety Patrol, the cops of middle school. You boss people around〔1〕, report the jerks, and miss class three times a week.
然而,Greg对于安全协管员的理解却和负责老师Mr. Winsky所介绍的大相径庭:
Mr. Winsky: Safety Patrol is a sacred trust. When you put on this vest (协管员的"制服") and that badge (徽章), you become a protector of the weak. You become an enforcer of the laws of this school, because today's litterer and jaywalker (乱扔垃圾的人和横穿马路的人) is tomorrow's window breaker and graffiti vandal (破坏文化艺术的人), and it's our job to stop it. So I ask you, are you ready for the job?
Greg & Rowley: [热血沸腾地] Yes!
Mr. Winsky: Then welcome to Safety Patrol. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility〔2〕.
听完Mr. Winsky慷慨激昂的介绍之后,Greg和Rowley终于如愿以偿成了Safety Patrol的一员。尽管大多数时候,Greg和Rowley在Safety Patrol都还干得不错,但接二连三的突发事件还是令Greg阵脚大乱。冬天到了,在一次躲避球游戏中,粗心的Greg害得Rowley一头栽进雪堆里,左臂骨折。但"塞翁失马,焉知非福",Rowley因此获得了大家的普遍关注。同学们发现他有一种淳朴自然的幽默感,都喜欢和他在一起。更令Greg大跌眼镜的是,在新任校刊漫画家的竞选比赛中,自己一直轻视的系列漫画作品Zoo-Wee-Mama!居然将他的作品击败,而这套作品的作者不是别人,正是Rowley。
Greg梦寐以求的一切,都被Rowley误打误撞地"抢"走了。在那之前,他一直自负地以为"Rowley is pretty lucky to have me as a friend",直到现在他才发现,自己原来才是Rowley身边的陪衬品。为了成为人气王,他费尽心思却一无所获,而坚持做自己的Rowley却不费吹灰之力就成了众人追捧的明星。妒忌的火焰顿时在Greg心中熊熊燃烧起来。
命运有时候就是阴差阳错。Greg在执行送幼儿园小朋友回家的任务时,迎面碰上万圣节那天得罪的不良少年。迫不得已的Greg只好让所有小朋友藏到附近工地的大坑里,把小朋友们都吓坏了。Greg穿着从Rowley那儿借来的雨衣,目击者把他误认为Rowley。眼看着无辜的Rowley即将成为替罪羔羊,Greg却犹豫着迟迟不敢坦白。当他终于鼓足勇气向Rowley说明真相时,Rowley却已经被Safety Patrol开除。
Greg: So, listen. It's kind of funny, you know, the whole Safety Patrol thing.
Rowley: Yeah?
Greg: Ready for the funny part? Well, I'm the one who terrorized (吓坏) those kids!
Rowley: What?
Greg: Yeah, and I think we can both learn some valuable lessons from this.
Rowley: You know what, Greg? You are not a good friend.
Greg: Whoa. How could you even say that? I'm a great friend.
Rowley: If you were a good friend, you would have told Mr. Winsky the truth.
Greg: Okay, one thing. You can't get mad about just ...
Rowley: You only care about yourself. You hated my cartoon. You made fun of my clothes. You disrespected (不尊重) Joshie. You broke my hand and you didn't even seem sorry.
Greg: That broken hand was the best thing that ever happened to you!
Rowley: Don't call me. Don't come by my house. We are done.
Greg把"诬陷事件"说得如此轻描淡写,难怪Rowley最后愤怒地说出"We are done",表示两个人的友谊就此结束了。Rowley的话一针见血地指出了Greg的问题:他只在乎自己,忽略了生活中重要的人--时刻陪伴他左右的Rowley。银装素裹的校园,两位死党的友谊也降到冰点。
Mom: I think it's time you two make up.
Greg: I can't.
Mom: Sweetheart, he's your best friend. And sometimes, when somebody's worth it, you just have to put yourself out there.
Greg: I wouldn't know what to say.
Greg进校之初,校园里流传着一个"千年奶酪"的传说。在学校的篮球场上有一片奶酪,被学生们敬畏地称为Cheese Touch。据传,谁不小心碰到它,就会被诅咒,成为全校最不受欢迎的人。因此,就连打扫操场的清洁工人也对它心怀恐惧,从来不敢把它扫走。这显然是"校园前辈"整新人的又一个花样。几个不良少年当然对Cheese Touch也有所耳闻,于是逼迫Rowley捡起奶酪咬一口。同学们纷纷涌来操场看热闹,Rowley痛苦万分。关键时刻,Greg从人群中走了出来,像明星一样站到众人面前,撒了一个谎。
Patty: Oh, my god! Rowley Jefferson ate....
Greg: I ate the cheese! [人群纷纷后退,Greg走上前捡起cheese] Yes, I ate it. And you know what, people? I just did you all a huge favor. I ate the cheese to show you all how stupid this whole school is. The wrong friends. The wrong lunch table. The wrong butt. It's all meaningless just like this cheese. I know it. You all know it. So come on. Everyone else who's sick of it, step forward and join me!
Angie: Not bad, Heffley (编者注:Greg的姓). Not bad at all.
Greg: [转向Rowley] So you want to come over after school and play?
Rowley: Yeah! Okay.