1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
① neo-(=new)
② pseudo-(=false)
③ caco-(=bad)
2. [望文生义]根据所学词根的知识推测下列单词的词义。
① illogic n.
② illogical a.
3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① apologist a.颂扬者
② eulogist b.语言学家
③ philologist c.结束语的作者
④ epilogist d.社会学家
⑤ sociologist e.辩解者
① logogram a.思想意识
② mineralogy b.自相矛盾
③ ideology c.矿物学
④ catalogue d.代表单词的字母
⑤ antilogy e.目录
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① theology n.神学(提示:the=god )
② Sinology n.汉学(提示:Sino=China)
③ astrology n.占星术(提示:astro=star)
④ geology n.地质;地质学(提示:ge=the earth)
⑤ decalogue n.十诫(提示:dec=ten)
⑥ analogue n.类推;类似(提示:ana-=upon)
⑦ monologue n.独白(提示:mono=single)
⑧ apologue n.教训;寓言
53. loqu, locut [L]=to speak讲
eloquent [e-(ex-)=out出;loqu=to speak说;-ent a.=having the quality有……性质的→“having the ability of speaking out freely能自如地发言的”→] a. able to make effective use of language;forceful and moving有口才的;雄辩的:Facts are most eloquent.事实最雄辩。
▽eloquence [e-;loqu;-ence n.] n.口才;雄辩术
elocution [e-(ex-)=out;locut=to speak说;-ion n.=the act or manner of表行为或方式→“the act or manner of speaking out发言或发言的方式”→] n. act or art of public speaking演说;演说术:Lawyers have to study elocution.当律师要研究演说术。
▽elocutionist [elocution;-ist n.] n.演说家;演说术教师
elocutionary [elocution;-ary a.] a.演说术的
colloquial [col-(com-)=together一起;loqu=to speak说;-i-;-al a.=of……的→“of speaking together 一起说话的”→] a. ① belonging to conversational style会话体的,口语的:Don't use colloquial words in formal writing.在正式的文体中不要使用口头用语。② informal非正式的,通俗的:a colloquial phrase俗语
▽colloquialism [colloquial;-ism n.] n.口语;口语词;口语用法
interlocutor [inter-=among在……中间;locut=to speak说;-or n.=person人→“person who speaks among a group 在群体中说话的人”→] n. person who takes part in a conversation参加谈话者;对话者:He was my only interlocutor that night.当晚他是唯一与我交谈的人。
▽interlocution [inter-;locut;-ion n.] n.对话;交谈
interlocutory [inter-;locut;-ory a.] a.对话的;对话体的
loquacious [loqu=to speak说;-acious a.=inclined to有……倾向的→“inclined to speak喜欢说话的”→] a. talkative;chattering多嘴的;饶舌的:He is not eloquent but loquacious before girls.他口才并不好,只是在女孩子面前变得多话起来。
▽loquacity [loqu;-acity n.] n.多话;饶舌
locution [locut=to speak说话;-ion n.=the act or mood 表行为或方式→] n. act or mood of speaking;style of speech说话语气;说话风格:The boy struck us not by his words but by his locution.那男孩语不惊人,但说话的语气却使我们吃惊。
circumlocution [circum-=around环绕;locut=to speak说;-ion n.=the act or manner 表行为或方式→“speaking around绕着圈子说话”→] n. roundabout expression;use of more words than necessary迂回说法;累赘的话:circumlocution office办事拖拉的官僚机关
▽circumlocutory [circum-;locut;-ory a.] a.说话迂回的
magniloquent [magni-=grand大的;loqu=to speak说;-ent a.=-ing……的→“speaking in a grand style说话夸大的”→] a. boastful;bombastic唱高调的;夸张的:a magniloquent statesman唱高调的政治家
▽magniloquence [magni-;loqu;-ence n.] n.虚夸;华而不实