Inequality in employment is still a serious issue inChina.The fundamental cause of genderdiscrimination is the incorrect idea of femaleinferiority that is still ingrained in many people'sminds.In solving this problem,a new gender cultureshould be cultivated to increase harmony betweenthe two sexes and the government should explore market mechanisms that can promotewomen's job prospects.It is a long and arduous task that requires input and coordinationfrom all government agencies.On the issue of domestic violence,improving the legal systemwould be the best way to deal with it.
1.在中国,就业方面的不平等现象仍然是一个严重的问题:“就业方面的不平等”可译为inequality in employment,其中inequality(不平等)由equal (平等的)派生而来。英语中派生词很多,考生在平时要多加积累。
2.性别歧视的根本原因是,“男尊女卑”的错误观念在许多人心目中仍根深蒂固:“根本原因”可译为fundamentalcause或 fundamental reason。“男尊女卑”已经给出英文female inferiority,该词组直译为“女性社会地位较低”,引申为“男尊女卑”。“在许多人心目中仍根深蒂固”可译为be still ingrained in many people's minds,也可译为be still deeply rooted in many people'sminds。
3.这是一个长期而艰巨的任务,需要所有政府部门的投入和协作:“长期而艰巨的任务”可译为a long andarduous task。“需要所有政府部门的投入和协作”可译为that引导的定语从句,其谓语为require,“投入和协作”可用input and coordination表示,而output则意为产出。