26. 中国面条
Noodles were eaten by Chinese as early as 200 BC and occupy an important position in Chinese food. It has many kinds, such as egg noodles, rice noodles, mung bean noodles and wheat noodles. In the northern regions of China, wheat noodles are the staple food and eaten more than rice. Rice noodles are more commonly consumed in southern China. Chinese noodles are of varying width and thickness, but they are usually long because they symbolize long life for Chinese, which is why noodles are commonly served at birthday celebrations and called longevity noodles.
早在公元前200年中国人就开始食用面条,它在中国饮食中占据着重要的地位,种类繁多,如鸡蛋面、米粉(rice noodles)、绿豆(mung bean)面和小麦面。在中国北方地区,小麦面条作为主食(staple food)比大米吃得多。米粉则在南方地区更普遍。中国面条有不同的宽度和厚度,但通常都较长,因为中国人认为这象征着长寿,因此面条经常出现在生日庆祝活动中,被称为长寿面(longevity noodles)。