中国有句俗语是这么说的:不到长城非好汉,不吃烤鸭真遗憾。如果你想更多地了解中国美食、文化和风俗,北京烤鸭(Beijing Roast Duck)作为一道历史悠久、赫赫有名的佳肴,是最佳的选择。有一点需要注意:吃烤鸭的最佳季节是春天、秋天和冬天。厨师会将热腾腾的烤鸭送到餐桌上,然后切成100多个薄片,每 片都带着脆皮。那绝妙的滋味一定会让你终生难忘!
There is a Chinese saying that no visit to Beijing is complete if you miss seeing the Great Wall or eating Beijing Roast Duck. As a famous and delicious food with a long history, Beijing Roast Duck is an excellent choice if you want to know more about Chinese cuisine, culture and customs. There is one point which you need to pay attention to, that is, the best seasons of eating it are spring, autumn and winter. The hot roast duck will be brought on the dining table by the chef where he will slice it into more than 100 thin flakes, and each of them is covered with crispy skin. The terrific taste will make it unforgettable in your life!
1.中国有句俗语是这么说的:不到长城非好汉,不吃烤鸭真遗憾:“中国有句 俗语是这么说的”可译为固定句式There is a Chinese saying that...;“不到长城非好汉,不吃烤鸭真遗憾”是对偶句,句式工整,但如果直译可能会失去音 律美,也不利于传达本意,所以可以考虑意译,这句话实际表达“去北京旅游 不去长城、不吃烤鸭就算不上是完整的旅程”的意思。
2.厨师会将热腾腾的烤鸭送到餐桌上,然后切成100多个薄片,每片都带着脆皮:整句可译为where引导的定语从句;其中“切成”可译为slice into,slice意 为“将...切成薄片”,如:“她把黄瓜切成薄片”就是She sliced the cucumber。
3.那绝妙的滋味一定会让你终生难忘:“绝妙的”可译为terrific,意为“极好的,愉快的”,如:“非常愉快的聚会”为a terrific party;“终生难忘”可译为mak unforgettable in your life。