Giving gifts in China is a common etiquette used to express appreciation or gratitude for friendship or hospitality. However, Chinese etiquette of giving receiving gifts differs a lot from that in other cultures. For a long time in history,people of good manners would return favors and kindness when receiving a treat from a friend. They would pick up a suitable occasion to offer back as they regard it important to strengthen their relationship. As it is the same with most cultures in the world, what to give depends on their relationship.
1.送礼在中国是种常见礼仪,人们借此表达对友谊、款待的感激或感谢:“感激或感谢”可译为 gratitude or appreciation;appreciation 意为“感谢”;gratitude意为“感激”,常用于以下词组中:gratitude to sb.(感激某人)、express gratitude (表达感谢)、debt of gratitude (人情债)。
3.他们会挑选一个合适的场合礼尚往来,因为他们认为这对加深关系很重要:后半句可译为由as引导的原因状语从句;“合适的场合”可译为suitable occasion ; “礼尚往来”可译为offer back; “认为…重要”可译为regarded…important to;regard常用于以下词组中:with regard to (关于;至于),as regards(至于,关于)、in regard of(关于…)、regard highly (重视);“加深关系”可译为 strengthen the relationship。